New Regulations Could Help Turtles Survive Shrimpers' Nets

From Oceana:

New regulations would give turtles an escape from deadly shrimp nets

Tens of thousands of turtles are caught in fishing gear every year. Trapped underwater for more than an hour, many of these turtles die by drowning.

But there is an alternative. Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) provide an "escape hatch" for turtles caught in shrimp nets, but not all fishermen have been required to use them. Meanwhile, turtles in the Gulf are dying. All six sea turtle species in the U.S are threatened or endangered, and every loss counts.

But a new proposed regulation will require all shrimp trawlers in the Gulf and southeast Atlantic to use TEDs. This new rule will save lives—if it goes through. Sign TODAY to tell the National Marine Fisheries Service that you support new regulations to protect turtles from shrimp nets.

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  1. Thank you for this, Sandy!

  2. Oh, such a great news and I am sure wonderful for a turtle lover such as you.;)
    Btw, yesterday I read about the passing of "Lonesome George" and thought about you... Even though he was tortoise.;)
    Have a great week dear Sandy,

  3. Done. Thanks for this Sandy.

  4. Thanks for caring, Sandy. :-)
    Hope you are well. Enjoy your summer!

  5. I will be clicking! so sad to die like that.

  6. Most animals kill two live, while Most humans kill for - fun, religion, greed, - who are the animals?

    Great post - have taken a step beyond here, makes one think.

  7. Such a worthy petition. Unfortunately my Canadian voice must remain unheard. It's for U.S. signatures only.

  8. I went to Red Lobster for lunch today and felt for the lobster in the tank trying to wiggle free...

  9. Thank YOU, Sandy!

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
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  10. I clicked, I read, I added my name -- thanks!


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