My World Tuesday: A Walk in the Connecticut Woods

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Litchfield, Connecticut, has many a beautiful acre of land set aside for conservation. I took these photos along a walk through some of them on a bright March Sunday. I love the way March sunshine finds its way into everything. In the top photo, leaves and pine needs were actually bursting the skin of a fallen tree. It was strange and beautiful.

My World Tuesday

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  1. I enjoyed each and everyone of them BUT the second one -- the macto -- is my favorite! Great job!

  2. What beautiful photos! and it was like taking a walk with you and seeing all these wonderful sights! Thanks for sharing! They're great even long distance!!

  3. You can hardly tell the time of the year on this pictures. You caught the unchanging parts of woods!

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I love it when bloggers show what they see in their walks, it's like discovering similarities in my walk and comparing differences too.

    Have a blessed week.

  5. I miss walking in the woods. There is an adventure behind every tree. LOVELY photos!

  6. I love the way you focused on the details from your walk. Wonderful shots of the wondrous forest.

  7. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Careful walking in Connecticut! Hopefully South Windsor is some distance from you:

    "Conn. Woman Finds Alligator Roaming down the Street

    "SOUTH WINDSOR, Conn. (AP) -- A small alligator has been captured in South Windsor after it was found roaming on a local street.

    "Police say a woman walking near the sewer treatment plant Sunday afternoon spotted the 3 1/2 foot reptile on Vibert Road.

    "Police contacted the Department of Environmental Protection's Conservation police and DEP experts arrived at the scene to capture the alligator.

    "DEP officials believe the alligator had been a pet that was abandoned by its owners within the last 24 hours.

    "The alligator is being kept at the South Windsor Police Department until Monday, when it will be turned over to Rainforest Reptiles out of Massachusetts, an organization that works to educate people on reptiles and the importance of preserving their habitats."

  8. Wonderful pics, all of them. But that first one is out of this world!

  9. It's funny, we walked in the polder and saw on our walk also fallen trees, which they kept there to let them rot and be a home to small mammals and insects. It looks as if this also happens in your country.

  10. Beautiful macros!
    Thanks for visiting!

  11. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Soothing details! Lovely!

  12. I am always virtually walking my visitor through places so this was nice for me to be the visitor. So pleasant and green.

  13. Your pictures are beautiful and they are great just to sit and look at and let the thoughts just be on their own.

  14. What a lovely series of photos. Thanks for taking us along on your walk.

  15. In the details is the finesse.Treasures to be caught with the camera.

  16. Walking on conservation land is one of my most favourite things to do. Let's hope our governments continue to preserve these beautiful spaces.

  17. Really great macro shots all of them. Each have an artistic touch about it. I especially loved the punctured brown leaf and the mosses for the light and colour.

  18. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Nice to join you on your walk. Isn't spring just such fun!

  19. Sandy ~ looks like a great place for me and my puppies to walk.

  20. I agree about the sunshine getting into everything, I love the textures the sun has brought out.

  21. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Nice walking around and showing us what you've seen, I love it too as what ewok said.

  22. Glad that spring is here for you. It must be a lovely walk out there.

  23. amazing world of nature created for us, love the textures...

  24. Sounds like a wonderful place to take a walk. Your photos are beautiful, thanks for sharing;)

  25. What a beautiful walk you have taken us on Sandy. I have enjoyed it along with these lovely photographs. Thank you!

  26. All four are great but my favorite is the third - the leathery leaf.

  27. That downed tree really does look like it's coming unraveled! always such beautiful work from you Sandy. And congrats on the POTD for the Fallen Angel piece! Well deserved.

  28. Great pictures and post. Thanks for sharing your world with the rest of us.

  29. You're my kind a gal, I lve the minutiae of the forest floor or meadow, there is so much present, past and burgeoning life there.

  30. Good eye. I like how you purposely avoided generic scenery shots, and opted for a closer focus. Well done.

  31. Fabulous photos from a great time of year.

  32. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I like the unruly branches of #2. The camera is the new pen. A new pair of eyes to see through.

  33. hi sandy, photos are just getting better and better here.

  34. Looking forward to more thoughts from more walks in more woods!

  35. what are great series of photos Sandy! So much vibrancy and color!

  36. Anonymous1:01 AM

    The third one, the macro of the brown leaf form, is the one that makes my day. So beautifully seen and photographed.

  37. This beautiful pictures well describe your pleasant walk in the wood. I really enjoy them a lot!

  38. very interesting Sandy...great photos! Sounds like an interesting place!

  39. loved the 3rd the best!

  40. It's amazing how the smallest and most ignored things are so very beautiful ... a dead leaf.

    Death and life renewing itself .. these photo reminds me not to be afraid of death, as it is a beautiful part of life .. and nothing ever truly dies, it just revamp itself into something else.

  41. You always bring out the best in the subject.

  42. Sandy: A neat view of the different flora of the woods. You captured them nicely.

  43. I have been walking the woods lately too. It is such fun, especially this time of year when the wildflowers are beginning to show their blooms. They always look so delicate in the seemingly harsh environment. They soldier on with their uniforms of cheer.

  44. never knew a dry leaf could look so beautiful. nice photographs. all of them. keep it up. (first time here)

  45. Hi, Sandy ...

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my Southern Lagniappe blog. I'm so glad it led me to yours.

    Your pictures are absolutely stunning, and I loved your sweet story about your daughter's smile when you woke her. I know that made your heart sing.

    I look forward to seeing more of your photos and reading more of your stories.



  46. Even those dry leaves have a tale to tell! Wonderful shots, Sandy!

  47. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Such great details in each picture. Great job!

  48. Beautiful picture,all of them.
    Thanks for viewing my world and have a nice day.

  49. Soon everything will be as green as the last picture. What a great time of year.

  50. Your pictures make it clear that spring has arrived in Connecticut. These photos are absolutely beautiful.

  51. We have no woods in Singapore and it is not possible to see those beautiful images if not for you. :)

  52. Gorgeous photos today, Sandy. I especially love the lush greenery....D

  53. Walks in the woods are always fun! I love the treasures you found! That bark is too cool!

  54. Excellent photos! Walking in nature in Spring is great.

  55. They're all wonderful shots but I can't resist that golden oak leaf. Beautiful!

  56. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I love the last photo. Spring green!

  57. Beautiful photos! You have a great eye for detail, Sandy!

  58. We would love to visit New England some day. Your pictures are beautiful, keep them coming!
    We are new to, but love "My World Tuesday". Thanks for visiting!
    Darryl and Ruth

  59. Just beautiful!
    How do you get so many hits, Sandy?
    Angel intervention?

  60. Wonderful! YOu have a real good eye for the artistic creative shot.

  61. oh...these are lovely detailed close-ups..

  62. That leaf is like old leather with holes.

  63. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Thank you for your visit and comment! You have great photos and I just love the last one - so soft and springly green!

  64. these are oustanding. like the second one best too.

  65. Lovely spring photos!

  66. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Boy! You take beautiful photos! Love them all but most particularly, I love the leaves shot up close. Love the details.

  67. Methinks I'd love to take a walk through your world with my camera in hand and you for a guide. Thanks for the brief tour.
    Hugs and blessings,


Thanks for being here.