One Single Impression: Gold

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We embrace,

The light and I,

At dawn

And at sunset

But not in between

Never at noon

When the sun is high

And everywhere

Over and around

All at once

And nowhere

I forget about it then

Though I am breathing it

Tasting it

Bathing in it

Thus I forget

My best love

Forget again and again and again

We are strangers at midday,

So familiar are we

Despite the intense light and heat.

On the edge of dark,


We are reacquainted

And we are close.

One Single Impression

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  1. Sandy, the image is charming, and what a beautiful poem. I enjoyed it so much and I'll read it again.

  2. I met it on the edge of dark Friday night and blogged about it Saturday. Beautiful poem -- I could just see pictures running through my head as I read each word. . . beautiful!

  3. Your peace globe has been placed in The Peace Globe Gallery.
    You are officially peace globe #1077.
    BlogBlast For Peace ~ November 6, 2008 is going to be awesome! Hope to see you there.

  4. Anonymous2:45 AM

    The image and the accompanying poem is great. It adds to the image.

  5. So true Sandy! I enjoy the sunrise and the sunset but forget the light of midday.

  6. This is deep and meaningful. Beautiful words and an excellent image.

  7. Interesting thought and gorgeous image of what East Coast autumn means to me, thank you! :-)

    I love all hours of the day, though, every single one for its special light.

  8. 'on the edge of dark' very favorite time of day too! you know, i see a personal truth in your it because i am so busy when the sun is high? what draws us to twilight??

  9. hmm...your poem can be read on many levels including relationships with others. I like your words that convey so much.

  10. What a lovely photo.

    It's so much easier to appreciate something when we've just discovered it, or are about to lose it...maybe that's why dawn and dusk are special to so many of us? There's a subconscious nudge from them somehow.

  11. How beautiful the poem, Sandy! Such wonderful sentiments about something as simple as light, midday, the sun. :)

  12. Evocative -- thoughts of why are brought forth, is it work? family obligations? skin cancer? Lots of reasons why people might miss (or avoid) the mid-day sun [you know what they say about "mad dogs and Englishmen."]

  13. Anonymous12:35 PM

    What an intriguing notion, and something I also do, now that your wonderful words have made me aware of it. I'm going to try and pay more attention to other mometns in the busy middle of my day!

  14. This is breathtaking. Your poetry is so beautiful...I love your blog.

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Sandy you are sooo talented. Seems after reading your work-I always think it fits my life too.

  16. I love the midday at the Hollow.

    Once again, I am moved by the poetry of your words... and the poetry of your soul.

    You are a deep well, Sandy! And your cool waters give refreshment to all who partake of it.

  17. Such a beautiful feeling in this! thanks!

  18. I love your words. This is so me. I love the sunsets and the sunrise colours. I would avoid midday sun so I don't butn. (You know what they say about mad dogs and Englishmen? Well I am female. Not as stupid as Englishmen! )

  19. Dear Sandy--

    This is a great poem. Thank you for it. I love your portrayal of the cycles of love and connection--

    Thank you--

  20. A lovely Autumn poem.
    Thank you for sharing it.

  21. Anonymous10:47 PM emotion adorns music thought adorns ur poem..a beautiful poem-fragrant with thought (& emotion)-'so familiar are we'..many thanks..

  22. Beautiful colors! And interesting poem, seems like you might be talking about not talking photos at noon. . .

  23. Beautiful poem, Sandy. Those moments of transition ... moments on the edges ... those are the memorable ones. Peace, JP/deb

  24. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Wonderful. I feel exactly the same way. The magic is in the edges. Are you by chance, native american?

  25. Such an intimate poem whispering golden secrets! So very beautiful!

  26. Great take on the prompt Sandy. You have such a unique and insightful way of looking at the world. I am always inspired by my visits to your blogs.

  27. Sandy, I love it. It is true but a little sad where all our memories go during the day. I suppose work or the task at hand is an acceptable variant.
    Hint: I had Mrs. Jim's and my wedding date as my code to use at the copy machine.
    Every time (and for teachers, it is many) I made copies I did remember. That date is also on the inside of our wedding rings.

  28. Interesting and lovely words!

  29. Autumn is always a welcomely sight!

  30. Yes, so beautiful this light. Like a moth to a flame I am drawn.

  31. I really enjoyed this; the way it started from sunrise to dusk. I love the tilt of light you help us all notice.

  32. This reminded me of something I was reading this week of the moon and the sun having masculine names in the Arabic tongue but their rays being feminine (not sure it is a real fact though, since it was in Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses).

  33. You've described so sweetly my own relationship with that golden light.

  34. The depth of your writing comes thru this one in triplicate! This is an amazing poem and picture! Thank you for amazing us once again!

  35. I too forget the noon sun as it warms me. Very creative images.

  36. Great photo and poem. I arrived via your skywatch which is also very good.

    Nice recent posts.
    Interesting graffiti.

    Come visit our , Horizontal Light.
    Troy and Martha

  37. Wow, I had to read this over and over. It is wonderful, and so true how we don't notice the light or appreciate the beauty at all times, throughout the day. Beautifully done!

  38. Sandy, I think you are really growing as a poet. This is not only beautiful, it is intense and thought-provoking.


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