Our World Tuesday: Around and About...

This weekend, both my daughter and my puppy dog were ill, so I went about my travels on my own.  I went up to March Farms for the week’s supply of apples, cider, and tomatoes.  We’ll be back on Friday for our pumpkin while the selection is good.
The fall colors were vibrant, and the skies were clear.
The graffiti down the road from the swamp was telling:  the Joker promising revolution…
It was a clear and peaceful weekend, but a little lonely with my girls under the weather.
Still, it was good to be home to as we all rested for Monday.

“...but I suddenly realized what small towns are. They are places where you grow up with the peculiar -- you live next to the strange and the unlikely for so long that everything and everyone become commonplace."  (John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany)

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  1. That looks like V. The Movie with Natalie Portman

  2. Hope your daughter and pup feel better.

  3. Beautiful pics....

  4. I hope Della and the pup are feeling better. Love your pics for the day! Such beautiful colors! Hope all of you have a great week!!

  5. ha. cool capture of the graffiti...if only, you know...i cant wait to go to the pumpkin patch....

  6. I was raised in New York. Maybe that's why I'm so mesmerized to love the small town i live in now. Hope your daughter and puppy are feeling better.

  7. I love the second photo - rich and gorgeous!

  8. oh, that last shot is superb... quiet, contemplative, peaceful...

  9. Just beautiful! Thank you.

  10. Looks like you have plenty of pumpkins to choose from. Beautiful fall photos. I hope your girls are feeling better now.

  11. Glad I could ride along. And perfect quote! Yes, strange neighbors. Courtesy and move on is my strategy....


  12. I love thwe reflection on that still lake. And I don't think you have to worry about the farm running out of pumpkins before you get back!

  13. Fall is such a colorful season...perfect for your photos. Hope both girls are better by now.

    Thanks for the post and the quote.

    (From this small-town girl who knows exactly what it was talking about!)

  14. Such a small town to be "occupied". I love the quote, I had never seen it before it fits every small town I know to a tee.

  15. i really enjoyed your fall color shot. hope your daughter and dog are better now.

  16. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Hope your girls are better now.

    These shots are so lovely.

  17. Lovely shots, I hope both your girls are well soon!

  18. Ooooh...look at your fall colors!
    I love them!!
    And that still and peaceful lake...ahhh. Such beauty.
    You know that my heart became heavy when I read that your daughters weren't feeling well. No Mama feels whole when her daughter (or son) isn't feeling well. Sending prayers that they will be feeling better.

  19. I miss small towns sometimes but I'm a city girl and like the conveniences closer to me...lol!

  20. i hope your girls are well now. seems colds are going around.

    lovely to see your photos and what the people around you create and sell.

  21. sounds restful. except for the revolution. those are always a lot of work.

  22. The revolution sign caught my eye … with all the woes on the news lately perhaps we need a revolution of the heart.

  23. Wonderful images, Sandy, I like those red leaves.


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