Wordless Wednesday: Getting There

From June 16, 2012*
From June 10, 2012**
Wordless Wednesday

*This view is a common one on the Carolina roads.  Something about 20 or 30 pine trees being hauled off by one guy in a big truck seems wonderfully contrary to our do-it-in-bulk world.  I wonder, "Did you leave the rest of the forest alone, or do you like doing this in small trips?"  I hope it's the former.  The prettiest pine trees I've ever seen are in North Carolina.

**This is the GW, which bridge can make your day or break your heart depending on how many people are on it at one time.  The day we were on it, a young man from Jersey had "plunged to his death"  on the other side, and nobody was moving.  There was no crisis on our side, so we did all the loop-de-looping it takes to get over to the other side.

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  1. So sad these losses.. of this man.. of forests

  2. I do agree with Hilary, so sad indeed!

  3. Oh! That is so sad.
    Do they ever think of the loved ones left behind.

  4. from logging trucks to the GW Bridge . . . almost there. . .


    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>

  5. I can recognize the GWB pretty quickly :)
    I was going to ask if the first picture was from North Carolina. I recognized the road signs.

  6. Those are big trees. Sorry about the guy that died.

  7. Those logs trucks absolutely terrify me. Even looking at that picture is difficult.

  8. I'll have to try wordless Wednesday-looks fun!

  9. Sad stories today, though the pictures are wonderful.

  10. Nice pics Sandy, wonder why?and more so wonder what was he thinking about..?

  11. We have a a lot of clear-cut logging here, but I know one family who does horse power "worst first" logging.

    Did the man jump? Tragic! http://looseleafnotes.com

  12. I don't see any red warning flags at the end of this load. There should be one! These trucks are indeed scary I hate to get behind one.

  13. We have quite a few of these lumber trucks in Tennessee as well. And while I don't want to disagree with you, I think Tennessee pine trees are pretty as well.

  14. I remember logging trucks from when I lived in the Pacific Northwest.

  15. Anonymous3:13 PM

    The symbolism is striking: cut down in their prime, forest kings and young man. You said much without saying a word, with these two shots.

  16. I wonder how many are needed for a house?
    One big tree can cost a lot of money The house would be unaffordable by the time they finished.

  17. The guy that died: that is really tragic.
    Two nice shots, Sandy.

  18. Somehow the two events in your blog seemed linked.

    A "habitat truck" as I call them pulls part of the world apart and a young man does the same thing.

    It’s not good.

    Stewart M - Australia

  19. Oh yes, I remember those pine trees.;) It is always ad to see trees being cut down...

  20. so sad of the loss of this man...and it always makes me sad to see trees being cut down.


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