One Single Impression: Try


The etymology dictionary tells me


To sort
(By examination)

Which I think means (though I am not looking and will not look)

To take the good
And cleave to it
Like the last and only lover
(Or should I say "love"?)
Like the one true thing
Like your last hope

Even if it is a small thing

Even if it is trying to get away.

Hold it
Claim it
Make it yours

Just try.

See what happens.

It could be a good thing.

Hold on.


For a change.

It seems to me we make such a virtue of letting go, of embracing openness to the point of emptiness. I get that "if you want to be here, you'll stay" stuff, but there's nothing quite like the sound and feel of "I want you" (here, with me, beside me,now). A big embrace feels so much better than a good-natured wave good-bye. 

One Single Impression

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  1. "Try" is my word for this year! And it is quite the challenging word. It has motivated me and your words are a great reminder!!

  2. try is also connected to hope and dreams. it's easy to loose track of your dreams when they are destroyed but then it's time to try again and make new dreams...

  3. We are way int throwing things out for something new.

  4. Your words are oh so very true! Thank you.

  5. You send a lot of messages with these words Sandy. Interesting to say the least. I'm going to ponder this work a while....

    Hugs my friend, G

  6. Great thought. Sort of my motto now - try and embrace.

    I somehow missed your previous post. So cute.

    Your posts are always such a delight for me.

    Thanks. Take care.

  7. Post grad stuff, Sandy!

    Aloha means "love" from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

  8. You always manage to say so much with so few words and they're always inspiring. Enjoy your weekend, Sandy!


  9. Lovely words! Yes I think I can agree with you there.. :)

  10. Oh yes, I am a hugger! I like hugs better than anything! Ü

    I am blogging at a new site:

    Drop over and see if you like my bench!

    One day, when I get a working camera, I will blog again on regular blog.

  11. if nobody attempts to try it... it remains a mystery. thanks to all those who went ahead of us and decided to try.

  12. Yes, trying is what it's all about.
    Great words.

  13. This was so very poignant, I do not think i will ever stop trying, no matter how many times I will fail...

  14. Wonderful post! Trying is truly the best we can do. =)


  15. I love your take on try. It has so many nuances..

    bring on the cawing

  16. to try is everything, isn't it? And I love your last 2 lines and how they can be taken a few different ways. Have a great week, Sandy!

  17. but when pride is working, the act of trying is overcome or rather, 'wow..i have pride, why should i try?'

    but your words show there's nothing to lose in trying... :)

    good lines my friend!

  18. Oh yes I totally agree!!!
    Everything has more meaning after good effort is put into it.
    Trying is a HUGE word in life.
    Great Post.:)

  19. Trying is what makes one do everything one wants to do.. and to keep on trying to be happy .. becomes beautiful..

  20. Yes, it is worth trying.

  21. To try and never stop trying. Maybe that which separates the good from the really great (or the content from the happy). Keep trying.

  22. Anonymous6:20 PM

    How very impressive a piece of hope. And yes, emptiness is a chance to "function, to be", as glasses, door, windows work only because of "being empty".

    Please have a great new week.

    daily athens

  23. An additional 'try' is that much more experience in life.

    The outcome is secondary, more important that you tried.

    Lovely lines.

  24. Sandy, this is wonderful - as always.

    I also wanted to make you aware of a new project I have started. Come and look at it when you get a chance. I value your opinion.

    Maurice (Moe) Lauher

  25. Sandy,you are always a source of inspiration,
    I was thinking of you this weekend while reading a book on naturalist Mary Majke... her stories of saving animals, etc.

    a deep respect for nature and life.

  26. "It seems to me we make such a virtue of letting go, of embracing openness to the point of emptiness. I get that "if you want to be here, you'll stay" stuff, but there's nothing quite like the sound and feel of "I want you" (here, with me, beside me,now). A big embrace feels so much better than a good-natured wave good-bye."

    I wholeheartedly agree!

  27. The old adage of try try again is one I would not let go of.

  28. I am glad you took the contrarian view. I love the courage and passion behind your words.
    Fear of loss or failure often overtakes desire. And there are a million alibis.


Thanks for being here.