Blog Your Blessings: Here is Good

IMG 9847

The themes of this dream:
An origami rabbit left for me at my locked classroom door
An origami star folded by a boy who asked me in passing to show him how (In passing, I did.)
Matt the Reader looking for another book
My daughter putting the laundry away (I never asked her to.)
My mom watching a video I made at school in which a combat veteran talks about war
My daughter and I making an apple cake with an old friend's recipe
The janitor promising to sweep my room
Being up and out early enough to watch the geese prepare for winter the way they do when they realize there's no need to go. That here is good.

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  1. Hi Sandy,
    It's been a while since I've visited, but nice to see your beautiful images again!

  2. see you are full of gratitude and awareness of life and it's little blessings.

  3. I would consider all of these to be blessings.

  4. The lead bird has his wings down, and so does bird #8. Everyone else is an overachiever with wings up.

    #8 is just a copycat, trying to impress the boss. The other ones are going to make life unbearable for him.

    He's gonna find out what it means when they say, "Your goose is cooked."

  5. I count my blessings often. God help us all, though!

  6. I FELT the blessings!

    Thank you & Aloha, Sister Friend!

    Comfort Spiral

  7. My Dearly Beloved going to an art showing without my asking him to go with me. The dogs letting me sleep in. Blogger Buddies nudging me to see the best in life.

  8. The simple things are the best.

    Long Overdue

  9. Pretty nice dream material : )

  10. Great images. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. See you next week. Blessings.

  11. It is the simple blessings in life which are so valuable in living.

  12. You always have such a sunny outlook. How I admire that.

  13. Dream? Or reality? What's awesome is that every single element of this list is completely plausible, not the mythic stuff of legend and lore that we usually think of when considering dreams. These are dreams within our grasp. Those are dreams worth having despite their apparent shortage of "grandeur".

    Nicely done Sandy.

  14. what a lovely blessing!

  15. I love how you find so many little things to label blessings, so many things often unnoticed, or taken for granted. You rock!


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