Blog Your Blessings: Spring and My Girl

Midweek, I went for an evening walk for the first time in ages. I looked up at 7 p.m. to enjoy the lingering evening light, and I saw the buds on the maples in silhouette against the darkening sky. I could hear the peepers and the Canada geese closing the show on winter. I could smell the cool damp of early spring. That was a blessing.

Early this morning, I tip-toed into my daughter's room to fix her covers. She had the blanket on her face, and she didn't stir, so I leaned in closer to listen to her breathing and make sure she was OK. Just then, her eyes opened, and she gave me a big smile, hugged her baby blanket, and went back to sleep. The love and the sense of security in her smile were a blessing.

Driving in, I passed a meadow filled with grazing deer who were as silent and still as statues. Their shadowy bodies gave texture and life to the landscape. That was a blessing.

As I type, I await my daughter's return from school after my own long and interesting day at a school where girl-fights, multi-lingual verbal sparring, and (prohibited) pubic displays of affection punctuated the routine of Friday. Blessings.

The list goes on. It's all beautiful.

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  1. I love reading your narratives, Sandy. :)

    especially when you write about your daughter :)


  2. Thank you for this well written and entirely "true" post that reminds us what really matters, Sandy! Aloha

  3. A very well written post, Sandy. In your words I always see with pleasure great positivity and optimism.

  4. My dear Sandy, I so enjoy these "blessing" posts of yours. It awaken in me the need to look around and count my blessings, which are many indeed.

    I think I will join you in posting blessing .. as it's so inspiring and will remind me that within the darkness, there is always light.

    Thank you once again!

  5. Ahh yes, the bonuses of life. Especially when the child looks at you and shows signs of love and security.

    Also to see the newness of life that spring has to offer. You see the animated paintings by God, gives you an appreciation for life.

  6. Isn't it wonderful to be able to get out in the evening and have a stroll?? I just love to do that too.

  7. There's nothing like the arrival of spring and the love of a child to fill your heart to overflowing, is there?

  8. Anonymous10:22 AM

    What beautiful little vignettes, wonderful to hold in the mind and heart - the blessingness of them all!

  9. It is beautiful.
    Such simple things make life a blessing.

  10. I'm having a hard time realizing it's spring already this year. It feels like winter in my brain. I need to get out for some walks like you do.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  11. how descriptive, i could feel the peace and gratitude in your soul...

  12. Only you could see the blessing in the girl fights and (P)PDA's and the cross-lingustic arguments, Sandy. Not sure how you do it, but I'm glad you do.

  13. Your blessings are simple, beautiful but inspiring - spring, a smile and showdowy bodies. A simple post but well written and makes me not to take my blessings for granted.

  14. And what a beautiful word picture you once again weave. Thanks Sandy! Hugs, G

  15. I always enjoy your blessings posts. It's important to count them everyday, especially on the days that you have to look real hard to catch someone doing something good!

  16. Beautiful blessings of your every day life!It's nice to see that you enjoy them.I'm a grandma and still check on the blankets of my sleeping grandchildren. A nice post.

  17. I am liking your new header more each time I visit.

    I saw the photos in my mind even tho your only pictures were thru descriptive writing. . .

    Mine is up and about spring also.

  18. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Magic moment in the first paragraph!

  19. Interesting narrative... very well put together and very emotive. You paint a wonderful picture with words!

  20. Anonymous11:19 AM

    This is a lovely, truly lovely, blessings on Random. I experience blessings that way - the moment the garden bursts in summer, a flock of geese over head, a touch from the husband, a sigh from the dog....


  21. The unconditional love of a child is an awesome thing.

    An Arkies Musings

  22. You must be a teacher, or one of those brave souls who minister to our children.

    God bless you. How lovely your narrative. You have a true gift with words.

  23. Dear Sandy--
    Thank you for the reminder that it's all-good and it-all-belongs!

  24. Anonymous2:10 PM

    It is all beautiful seen through your eyes. Have a blessed week.

  25. Approaching spring and the smile of a child -- those are priceless blessings indeed.

  26. That is a day full of blessings! Should have made a great start to the weekend!

  27. Your post is a beautiful reminder of how our lives are full of blessings, and how easy it is to ignore them!

    Thank you for the beautiful post.

  28. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I love your outlook on life!

  29. So sweet and peaceful. Until that last section, and I lost it. Oh my!


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