Wordless Wednesday: The Last to Go

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Yes. Another dead leaf. I can't seem to help myself. I was out for a walk on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed the play of light on this leaf. The sunlight was very bright, and I enjoyed the way it highlighted the minutest of details. I especially like walking in these leaves; they are the noisiest.

Wordless Wednesday

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  1. Wow!! Sandy, this shot is superb! The use of lighting and the composition are downright staggering! One of your best in my opinion!!

  2. This is very beautiful.

  3. And soon they will all be covered over with snow... around here lots of them already are.

  4. Hi Sandy.
    Beautiful shot of an ordinary leaf -- the shadow gives it a dramatic effect, and the details (bits of dirt coating the leaf, as well as the leaf pattern) gives it texture.

    Sreisaat Adventures

    P.S. Today I am serving a classic Khmer dish at FoodTrips.

  5. they seem to cry out---"don't step on me!" lol lovely shade of brown.

  6. I also like to walk in those leaves. In this wonderful shaded image I hear the pleasant noise of the steps.

  7. Here the leaves are covered with snow, but I did enjoy crunching through them on my daily walks while they lasted.

  8. Interesting catch! I love walking through leaves too -- I shuffle my feet and sorta kick them in the air! Ü No snow here yet but its been cold enough to get some. . . I can hardly wait!

  9. Dried leaves mean end of Fall ? :(

  10. Autumn is a special season. A wonderful time for reflecting and brightened up by the crackling sound of dried leaves when stepped upon.

    Happy WW Ms. Sandy!

  11. i don't blame you for taking photos of them... they can be hypnotizing especially when you see them floating around and finally finding their resting place on the leaf-covered ground...

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    What a great leaf shot...lighting is perfect, not to mention the framing!

  13. The crunchy sounds of stepping on them :)
    Happy Thanksgiving Sandy!! :)

  14. amazing how leaves are each so different, just like people. gorgeous shot.

  15. Enjoyed your wonderful Fall shots, Sandy!
    My daughters might have picked up one of them to paint on it.

  16. Can it be said then, 'Dead men dont speak but dead leaves dont stop (speaking)', since they are the noiciest?

  17. Happy WW!

    I invite your blog readers to see some very unique mixed-race animals!

    peace, Villager

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. It's okay not to be able to help yourself. :) I seem to be stuck on pictures of clouds. Oh, and it is a nice picture.

  20. You're making me want to run out into the garden and run through them again :-)

  21. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Oh no, please don't go! I would like more fall and less winter please.

  22. Oh yes a noisy leaf is fun:) and I do like that light too

  23. How beautiful, a lovely photograph. One of the nicest things of this time of the year is to hear the crunch of leaves under the feet. Another favorite visual of mine is to drive along this one little road near here, with overhanging branches on each side of the road, almost like a cathedral roof, and to watch the leaves fall and hear them under the car as you drive by.

  24. i didnt know that dead leaves can be this beautiful. maybe because it was properly framed for this photo.

  25. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Beautiful leaves! and I also love to walk in loud leaves!!

  26. Oh nice shot, I like the noise too.

  27. Anonymous1:58 PM

    The use of light and shadow makes this a very dramatic photograph.

  28. The most thrilling sound I've ever heard-
    "walking in these leaves...they are the NOISIEST." You made me smile. Pre-cochlear-implant, it's impossible to hear this sound, but now I know what you're talking about. Thanks to one the best hearing technology.

  29. What a superb photo! Happy WW

  30. It's a lovely picture! Happy WW

  31. I guess Fall is almost over now Sigh..... Happy WW Sandy and wishing you and your family a wonderfudentanksgiving Day!

  32. Happy WW and Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  33. I hear it crinkle as I look at it.:)

  34. Anonymous12:30 AM

    There is something nice about walking on try, dead leaves. Dry and dead is really only our perception. Great photos, Sandy!

  35. Ordinary things become wonderful through your lense, Sandy.
    I'm always thinking : How is it possible that I haven't had that same idea before? You know watching attentively.

  36. I love seeing things through your eyes like this and right now I'd love to find a crunchy pile of leaves to walk through.
    Hugs and blessings,

  37. Dead leaves are pretty! I like your closeness. :)

  38. That's a nice shot. It's great that you found beauty in that dead leaf.

  39. like tea leaves they tell a story

  40. Lovely photo Sandy. I love walking on crisp, crunchy leaves too. I'm sure everyone has a different story to tell


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