Showing posts from August, 2007Show all
Friday Flicks:  Unexpected Kindness, Inevitable Friendship
Strange Attractions: Mind Your Plate
Wordless Wednesday: Rice Bowl
The Glory of the Morning is a man Named Ted
Camille Claudel: Crushed under Rodin's Feet of Clay
Dear Life, I Trust You
Blog Your Blessings: Sharpies
What Happens in the Time Without Name?
Think Less, Smile More, Be the Peace
Friday Flicks: 'The Garden'
Stalking in the Name of God
Wordless Wednesday: For Love or Honey?
Your Love Does not Burn Like Mine
An Invitation from 'A New Green Earth'
Evil Ain't Nothin'
Blog Your Blessings Sunday: Being Powerless and Alone
A (Baby) Blanket for the World
Friday Flicks
Explore Graffiti and Learn How Blue is the sky, how Green is the Grass
Wordless Wednesday: Trick of the Light
'I'm Glad You're in my Life Right now'
One Person's Blight is Another's Beautiful Life
Movie Review: Millions
Blog Your Blessings Sunday: Dust
No Photographs....Please
How Dare you not be the Person I Think you are....
Friday Flicks: 500 Years of Women in Art
To eat or not eat McDonald's? The Answer's in the Wrapper
Wordless Wednesday: Searching for a Settling Sun
Who Pees in Your Pool?
Lyra will Bring Sounds of Russia to St. John's Church in Waterbury, Connecticut
Fiddler on the Roof: I Know This guy
Blog Your Blessing Sunday: Jo March and Harry Potter
Topping Corn: What Good Love is all About
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