Strange Attractions: Exploring Graffiti in New Haven and Hartford, Connecticut

It wasn't your typical family outing. We had Adella walking the train tracks in Hartford, Connecticut, today, alternately picking up railroad spikes to show off at school and taking pictures of graffiti. She, too, enjoys the color, the word-play, the image-play, the audacity of graffiti. After a few stops in Hartford, we made our way to New Haven, where we found some writers at work. Click here to be in the company of a writer for a few minutes and in a world of color and fantasy.

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  1. That was interesting. The stereotype is law breaking hooligans, and as usual, the stereotype is wrong.

    I hope, however, that you don't run into a bad sort, and get your lens all purple and yellow...

  2. I haven't met the bad sort yet. Many of the more seasoned writers just want walls and are irked by the younger taggers who push the limits by tagging just beyond the agreed areas. I watch some of the YouTube hardened urban homie graffiti videos who get a kick out of being vandals. There really is something sumptuous, beautiful, and inviting about these larger than life gifts. These guys buy the paint and just go.

    Thanks for taking the time to have a look, Greg.


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