Today's Flowers: A Tree that is a Friend to Children

I took this photo of a pine tree near my home on Tuesday, after we received snowfall that shut down every school district in the state but my own.  When I came around the last curve before home on the return journey, I saw our old friend in her new white cloak, and I breathed a sigh of relief.  

This tree has supported many a child over the past 15 years that I have known it.  I remember years ago when Adella and her little friend climbed to the very top in their Crocs (Remember them?) and called down to us, laughing.  We had turned our backs for three seconds and missed the climb.  There they were up in the sky enjoying the sunset and the sight of their parents hopping around in dread, though they probably mistook the sight for a happy dance.  Down they came and all was well.  

As the years have rolled by, more and more little kids have climbed this tree and done the same thing even as footwear styles have changed.  This tree has supported all children regardless of their shape, size, or disposition and delivered the safely to the sky and the earth again. Someday, I'd like to be as gracious and graceful as this tree.  Meanwhile, I watch and learn.

Today's Flowers

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  1. Such a beautiful old tree and a great capture for the day, Sandy! Hope you and Adella and the doggies have a great weekend!

  2. That's a beautiful image!

  3. Trees can teach us so much. I remember climbing trees when I was young. Hid from my Mother there. :)

  4. I wish the tree a long life and generations of kids climbing up to see the sky.

    I still have a pair of super duper insulated crocs. Very warm believe it or not and I wear them when I shovel the snow off the driveway.

  5. so very beautiful, sandy.

  6. Beautiful tree, wonderful memories, beautiful meditation.

    Crocs still popular here in Florida .. next best thing to barefeet.

  7. i had many a friend in the trees when i grew up...the woods were our playground....

  8. What a wonderful tree. It certainly has taken life's curves well.

  9. what a blessing, an old familiar tree to climb and grow up with...

  10. It is a beautiful tree and I think I gave my mum a few scares way back when. I was a climber too :)

  11. so soothing to the eyes. great find for this sunday chillax. great job.

  12. How beautiful. The picture looks magical, which is probably why children like to hang around this tree.

  13. Sandy, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family from Pappy and the gang.

  14. I had a tree like that I loved to sit in It was a willow and my Dad chopped it down and I cried and cried and cried.
    Crocs I still wear them. R they out of style??lol

  15. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Love the photo-and the thoughts behind it : )


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