Brilliant Brit: Sir Ken Robinson Education Reform

Educationalist Sir Ken Robinson makes the point here that the education model we employ in public education is outmoded. He says the factory model of education ignores learning styles and various forms of intelligence and does a disservice to many students as a result. His book The Element follows this theme, illustrating it with striking examples of kids who did lousy in school but managed to express their brilliance in other ways. Think Gloria Graham, Julia Child, Neil Armstrong, John Coltrane

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  1. So true. How do we measure intelligence today?
    We can't.
    But 2 plus 2 have to equal 4 so keeping things simple is still the best way to teach and to learn.

  2. I like this a lot! Bill started out teaching Industrial Arts and many kids who were hands-on learners stayed in school because of these kind of classes; sadly, schools are doing away with these type of hands-on classes (they are expensive -- but we are going to be in a world of hurt when there's nobody to fix our plumbing (etc etc).....I am always seeing articles about how industries can't find people to hire

  3. It's sad but that's how the world is turning !!!

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  5. you might add Steve Jobs also-good point.

  6. Yes, I think the educational system is outmoded, not set up for the best of each child. We need to think outside the old box, and come up with reform.


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