One Single Impression: Obsession

From August 20, 2011
Early on in the season
I couldn't walk within a quarter mile
Of this pristine priest of the marsh
Without his scolding me in a foreign language
And flying up and around the osprey nest and the neighbor's house
In a great show of saintly indignation.

Months later, I come within feet of this character,
My worn flip-flops clopping along on the pavement
My fingers fumbling with the ringing phone I will not answer.
 (Not here. Not now. Not before his holiness.)

But it doesn't matter.
He doesn't bother about me anymore.

I could be any other rock or tree, turtle or deer.
I am a part of the landscape now,
Not a ripple across the smooth surface of mystery
But a part of it.

(Topsail Island is my obsession, as any visitor to this blog well knows.  The great white herons there make for a magical sight.  Getting by them without causing a disturbance makes for an incredible challenge.  The other day, my daughter headed out with my DSLR around her necks and took a pile of photos of this guy performing his morning ablutions.  I am amazed she got so many shots without his taking umbrage and flying off.  I guess he waited until she left before he donned his shower cap and finished the job!)

One Single Impression

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  1. Gorgeous creatures, aren't they? Your daughter is following in her Mom's footsteps for sure.

  2. I loved this post. What a Beauty he is. I agree with Hilary

  3. how fun, i saw a bunch of birds today but was too busy walking a 3k marathon to stop and take any photos-will have to return to that part of rekjvik, iceland soon. we are here for two weeks total. taking tons of photos.

  4. I knew that would be your choice for this prompt. A place that is part of your soul, in your bones...lovely post SAndy!

  5. he finally recognizes a soul sistah!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  6. Absolutely the perfect photo with your poem. Or is it an absolutely perfect poem with a picture to illustrate it. Either way I was entertained by being drawn into your world.

  7. Looks every bit like a long legged beauty!!

  8. A question mark or exclamation?

  9. PS: Did you get my recent reply (red text). No hurry, just wondering...

  10. Thank you for telling me how much I missed, when I wasn't totally there... in every way. I honor your wisdom! A constant reminder of the beauty, and a whisper, just "be there now." xoxoxoxo

  11. Sandy- I just love the parallel aspect of lives- I uploaded 426 pics today before I did my obsession post.I have to say though, that on my bike rides I am armed with my phone and my camera and there are certain marshy spots that I love to stop and take pics of the birds- the herons and ospreys. My bike pedal squeaks so I always dismount and literally tiptoe up to where the birds usually are. The other day I forgot to silence the phone and I got a text and off went the birds- I was so mad! Anyway-I "waffled" between the beach, birds, or stitching- you'll have to visit to see which won out. We go back to school tomorrow- when do you? Take care!

  12. I can understand being obsessed with a place like Topsail. I like your verse and your daughter's picture.

  13. Very lovely obsession with the land..I envy you for being so close to nature.

    Thanks for sharing this ~

  14. I totally love your obsession with Topsail, also because I have been there and understand it.;)
    Beautiful capture, it as a feel of enchantment over it and the white bird is in such a lovely contrast to the dark background.:))
    Have a great Monday dear Sandy,

  15. post more photos that your daughter took sandy. place is sure nice.

  16. Anonymous2:12 PM

    lovely obsession...thanks for sharing ...!

  17. my isn't he royally displayed!

  18. Sandy, now you'll remember in part those herons because of your poems.
    Here is to next summer!

  19. Anonymous9:34 PM

    your daughter did a great job with the camera and you wove a wonderful story for it!

  20. Beautiful theme of the whtie heron. Your poem is so graceful and reverent Sandy.

  21. Good to hear about your obsession.. you told is so well.. Sandy... Thanks

  22. Anonymous10:49 PM

    funny how we forget to reach across the big divide and introduce ourselves.... it is everything to be a part of it...


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