One Single Impression: Descent

Wind like snow and rain
Descends upon the pines,
Threshing them
Free of sunshine

Or so it seems:

At my feet lay the yellow needles
That mark the end of a season
The end of too much heat
The end of stillness

And there are pine cones
Everywhere to say
Earth and air and light
Will make of their dreams

A tree.

In this strange mating,
In the shape of this tree

That has learned to yield
To every pressure
Yet to grow straight

Death is a fragrant,
Liquid definition

Of forever.

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  1. like your poem, lots of interesting images and thoughts seasons change.

  2. Impressive Sandy.
    Descending to another time...
    Have a great week ahead.

  3. This is so beautiful!

  4. You always amaze me with the connections that you make. Yielding to every pressure yet remaining straight — I want to remember that line for when things are tough.

  5. i can see that tree in my mind's eye. in the midst of glorious autumn swaying, yielding yet remains standing after the howling of the wind...

  6. zoya gautam7:39 AM

    Death is a fragrant,
    Liquid definition

    Of forever

    is just so good ..

    a lovely poem ..

  7. Death is a fragrant,
    Liquid definition

    Of forever

    These two lines speak volumes...the whole poem is so beautiful! Deep and lovely.

  8. Changing seasons, seeds growing and giving life. The pressures of life as we grow. Many images in this writing I enjoyed very much, especially the last three lines. Thank you for this.

  9. Amazing that the pine tree stands straight inspite of yielding to the pressures of seasons. Loved the way you put forth the thought.

  10. Another Amazing Poem! The last 8 lines are so powerful! I think that is one of your best works yet!
    Well done My dear Friend!

  11. Again, I am taken with your way with words .. its as impressive as your way with pictures

  12. I love your words... Thank you.

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Such a positive, beautiful outlook....i love it

  14. "Death is a fragrant,
    Liquid definition

    Of forever."

    what a beautiful promise you bring here!!

  15. Great poem - especially at the end.

  16. Sandy,
    this poem is wonderful. I so enjoy this line:
    Earth and air and light
    Will make of their dreams

    A tree.

    Then there was the glorious end:
    Death is a fragrant,
    Liquid definition

    Of forever.

  17. I like the changes in nature as well as in mankind...we all go through seasons.

  18. Wow, your ending is amazing!

  19. An end I was not expecting, but then of course. I can see all those cones on the ground -- scattered.

  20. The ending was so very unexpected but really completed the poem. Nice :)

  21. Beautiful. With new beginnings comes the promise of new life!

  22. Sandy, I had to read this one from the bottom up … words are so tricky, and one must be careful at what they think they are reading. Death does have a “fragrant”, fresh cut roses have a wonderful aroma, but in the end, liquid or not, death stinks.

    Your poems, at times, are very puzzling, and I dare say, I enjoy reading them to see if I can see me. But to be honest I have never pictured the wind as “descending” unless it was wrapped up in a tornado. So I had to adjust my visualization of what you presented, and hung tight onto the metaphor.

    The idea of relating the “summer stillness” with the coming of winter and its stillness, made me smile. In the end, after reading this up and down, I have to concur, nothing is as it seems, because pine trees are evergreen, and all of them don’t stand tall, some of them bend and others fall, “or so it seems”.

  23. your words offer a very sensory experience...they make me consider the removal of life's debris (descent) in the final ascent to the next...

  24. Dear Sandy--
    This is such a pilgrimage you've taken us on.

    Lovely words and thoughtfulness supporting them, as ever.

  25. What a journey! This poem is supple and strong.

  26. I like so much this poem, Sandy. It's very intense and expressive.

  27. I almost missed your lovely poem when I was so busy yesterday!

    It would be very nice together with the pine cones I took a photo of recently and that will appear on my blog shortly. . .

  28. those last 3 lines particularly rock in the context of trees. surprising yet fitting.

  29. Ah verse very evocative...
    Beautiful lyric!

  30. This poem makes me miss our pine trees even more, if that is possile, since they succumbed to the pine bark beetle and tornadic winds. Sigh~~

  31. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Yellow needles are flying off the tree in the back yard as I write this. There is also a nuthatch looking for the suet on the tree trunk. The end of the growing season, and the beginning of the feeding season.

  32. Makes me want to walk in the pines above my house-nice.


    hi sandy,

    on the aforesaid webpage / blog post i have linked one of ur poem (s) / osi posts , or quoted excerpts therefrom , ( without prior consent ).i hope u don't mind .. / in case u do , please drop a cmnt there ..( is this a clever attempt at promoting the said page? - i believe not )

    warm regards ,

  34. Oooo- I loved the last 3 lines- very creatively put. We had a huge wind storm last night and lots of needles, pine cones, and leaves were dropped- I can surely relate. Have a good rest of the week~

  35. Those pine trees are tough. They go with the flow yet stand tall.
    All so good, yet a little pine bark beatle will take them down.
    A stinky death rot then comes with their demise.

  36. The passing of a season, always bittersweet. Eloquently captured as always Sandy.


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