Blog Your Blessings: The Sweet Smell of Spring

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Honeysuckle. Lilac. Magnolia. Daffodil. Tulips. Hyacinths....

Just thinking of the wonderful fragrances of spring and working my way back to the beginning of the season. Lately the honeysuckle has been in bloom. There's a stretch of highway along which honeysuckle blooms in a soft white haze of subtle blossoms rich in perfume that drenches the air so that the interstate might as well be a country road. 

I think it's one of the best parts of spring--stepping out the front door and taking in all those ephemeral, magical perfumes that make spring so thoroughly beautiful.

Blog Your Blessings

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  1. It is a rainy week end. it seems that Hs des not grow here I miss it My child hood in NJ daw a lot of it Thanks for the memories

  2. when the Lilacs are in bloom I really enjoy standing real close and breath in that sweet mell.

  3. Oh yeah! I agree! Totally!

  4. thanks to your pics and your description I can smell the honeysuckle! Well done My Dear Friend!

  5. I agree, also like jasmine-so delicate and yet so strong

  6. Fragrance is a lovely prayer rising to heaven, food for God.

    Aloha from the fragrant isles, Sandy

  7. I have never seen honesuckle in person so thanks for the photo. I agree about Spring have a wonderful fragrance -- especially lilacs for me!

    Mine will be up Saturday sometime in the evening.

    I also left a comment below -- guess I got busy and didn't see you post yesterday.

  8. I can't wait to get my garden back. The scaffolding takes up most of it. I think there will be casualties as men do not seem to think plants are that important!

    Love your honeysuckle. My honeysuckle hedge has to be chopped down into shape, so of course this does affect the flowering.
    Honeysuckle CAN take over in a small garden, though it is so fragrant and the flowers are lovely.
    We are getting very cold, wet weather for May.

  9. Beautifully expressed. I'm not sure I've ever seen/smelled honeysuckle, but it sure sounds heavenly.

  10. Absolutely! I am a big believer in aromatherapy, and the smells of spring including fresh cut grass for me put me in much better spirits :)

  11. Sandy Spring certainly is a time that makes our hearts sing!Flowers bring the joy and the dazzle of Spring!!

  12. Thanks for bringing back the sweet smell of spring. Here in Southern California, spring is gone. It is only May and for a week we had heat wave in the 90's. Then we had terrifying Santa Ana wind for a week too. Summer came too early. There's bad news about homes burned in Santa Barbara. Our blessing is that we remained safe and sound despite all these sudden changes.

  13. I agree with you, the blooming flowers and their fragrance is the best part of the spring. Beautiful pictures of lilac.

  14. That is why I love the honeysuckle in my garden, even if it does take off and grow faster than I can tame it!
    Gorgeous sweet smell. Lovely shot. I can smell it from here. :)

  15. I grew some valerian to tincture. Brought some cut flowers of it in the house once and it turned out to be sickening sweet. Had to take it out. I got through the flowers in vases on the kitchen table pretty fast this time of year.

  16. Friday I was walking with my Dad in the back of his yard and the honeysuckle was heavenly.

  17. wow! i wish we too had four seasons.

  18. I so agree! Spring smells are the best!

  19. Anonymous4:54 PM

    That's what was special about that garden in Hamilton Township I took photos in...the scents in the air.


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