Blog Your Blessings: The Book and the Baby

Saturday morning is sacred. There is no place to be except inside your pajamas and to be as idle as possible.

It's called relaxation. I am learning about this fine art from my daughter, who excels at it. There is no selling her on the idea that anything or anybody needs her attention on a Saturday morning. On that day, she is even slow to reach for a book.

Like last Saturday. After I tore myself from the warmth of my blankets and flannel sheets to put on the coffee, I stepped into the hall and noticed her light was on. I tiptoed in (Why? The light was on....) and gave her a kiss and a cuddle. She was just lying there enjoying her blankets and flannel sheets. I asked her if she wanted her book. "Okay. It's down on the heart; they one on the top of the pile."

The dutiful mommy retrieved the book. When I brought it back up, I noticed her lounging posture in bed as a 10-year-old is very like the posture she would adopt as a sleeping baby in her crib.She looked comfortable and content. In that moment it was sweet to see the baby in the growing girl.

"She has you well trained," a friend said when I shared this thought with him.

Yes; she's teaching me a lot of things.

We read a lot that day.

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  1. How sweet. You know what they say "out of the mouths of babes". We can learn alot from our children if we listen. Your saturday morning ritual sounds wonderful. RELAX.....

  2. wonderful stuff nothing like a good cuddle and a book!

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    That high-tempo Connecticut lifestyle was okay when we lived in Stratford, but now I prefer to watch the cow races here in Nebraska of a Saturday morning.

    One crossed from the hill to the gully last Saturday. 75, maybe 80 feet. She started at 9:00 am. It's good that we change the clocks this weekend, because now we may see her finish during daylight.


  4. Sandy, treasured moments to keep and to hold for ever.

  5. fun family tradition...I'm an early riser so soon after 6:30 am when our heater comes on automatically I'm ready to be up and about. But I enjoy going to bed early with a book and snuggling under the comforter but now it's time for daylight savings time switich again just when I get my internal alarm going okay.

  6. What a wonderful mom you are! I used to get yelled at when I laid in bed and read on Saturday mornings. Of course, there were chores to do...but oh to stay in bed and read. A perfect way to start a day - any day!

  7. And this is a beautiful post. I admire the love and affection the two of you obviously have for each other.

  8. that's great. quality time that is.

  9. At the moment Sandy I am getting to 3 young children who belong to my sons girlfriend... a 5 year old girl and twin boys... the joy Jane and I get from these is beyond words... their mother Viki is now carrying our son baby due in July... we have gained so much by this relationship, but the best is getting to know 3 little ones who are full of wonder.

    Have a joyous weekend
    Wiggers World

  10. Your daughter has it figured out. It's hard for us adults to allow ourselves to relish a peaceful and lazy day without feeling guilty. We can learn from our kids!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oh if only. Saturday rolls around and there's so much to catch up on that can't be done during the shortened daylight hours of the week this time of year I can't imagine the idea of "lounging". Not that I jump into the to-do list straight from the bed or anything, but while the coffee lasts emails are caught up and dispatched, lists made, and realizations dawn that there's no way in hell I'm going to get all of this done in a mere two days.

    By Monday, I'm ready to get back to the office just so I can get some rest!

    But hopefully once the days are long enough to allow for after-work forays into "the job outside the job" the pressure will come off the weekends a little.

    Yeah. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

  13. Beautiful post. In that moment it was sweet to see the baby in the growing girl: this is so true.

  14. pretious time...

  15. A lovely moment. As for me, I'm still seeing the child in many of my adult kids :-)

  16. I remember days like this one, when being sweet was sweet. But when they are grown, well it's a different story, still .. it's a blessing to get to know and learn from our children. After all, they are naught but mirror images of ourselves.

  17. Aaaww, what a sweet post! I loved it. You two know how to do Saturdays right, that's certain.

  18. Children are so wonderful to be with...

    and the best thing is they bring out the children in us :)

    Loved this post, Sandy


  19. Children are so wonderful to be with...

    and the best thing is they bring out the children in us :)

    Loved this post, Sandy


  20. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Awwww what a lovely post! Happy weekend Sandy :)

  21. It almost makes me want to curl up under a blanket and read. :)

  22. How great to learn a lesson from a child, and your daughter no less. :) Relaxation. I guess I read while lying as a baby too. :)

  23. Sounds like the perfect Saturday morning.

  24. As a parent... well, I'm a step-parent, but it kinda counts... there is nothing more special then those moments when you can see the baby within the child. It's extremely heart warming.

  25. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The learning is just beginning. May she be easy with you in her teen years.

    Flannel sheets. That is something we do not use much down here in Texas, but I have slept upon them elsewhere.

    Relaxation is an art. I am glad your girl has mastered it already.

  26. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I am so waiting for the day when the kids want to STAY in bed! lol I love this blessing you've shared with us.

  27. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I am so waiting for the day when the kids want to STAY in bed! lol I love this blessing you've shared with us.

  28. yes she does have you well trained... at least when it comes to this! ;-)

  29. Anonymous11:11 PM

    My son Josh invented the "Garfield Day" in our house, a day when he got to do anything he wanted to, mostly nothing.

  30. Anonymous6:56 PM

    A lovely heartwarming post.

  31. Anonymous8:37 AM

    She has figured out one of the greatest pleasures of life!

  32. May you enjoy many more Saturdays with your daughter and "teach her" to do likewise someday. Your friendship is definitely a belssing!

  33. What a wonderful way to learn.
    DS-Kid teaches me similar things. :)


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