Weekend Snapshot: Where to Begin?

IMG 5809

This is my daughter's clarinet. Every day when she assembles it, I marvel that she knows what these buttons and levers can do to transform simple breath into the wordless poetry of music.

Weekend Snapshot

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  1. I never would have guessed that to be a clarinet! How marvelous that your daughter is learning an instrument! One of my biggest regrets is not learning to play piano. Both of my parents play, as well as my BIL and nephew. I still may take adult lessons to learn to play chords for my own enjoyment. I so love music!

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    That's wonderful photo. Your daughter is very talented -- I never learned to play any instrument :-( I just love to sing.

  3. I love to hear live music. You daughter will be pleased when she grows up and is able to enjoy music more in depth since she is studying music. Lovely photo.

  4. great photo, I admire anyone with the energy to blow into an instrument. love flute music...

  5. it's a bit abstract with the closeup/angles, but i knew it was a clarinet before i read it. :)

  6. I like the way we get to see it from the player's point of view! And I *love* the insight that really, it's only breath... what we *do* with that breath is what makes the music, and the music is so lovely.

    Thanks again for another wonderful post!!

  7. this is a like a modern art photo. the view leads you to beleive it is something else. Striking picture!

  8. it looks so complicated up close.

  9. I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same thing when my son straps on his sax and breathes life into it. And I wonder where he came by that talent...

  10. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I love this photo. I think it is great that your daughter is learning to play an instrument. My son is learning the Cello and my daughter the piano.

  11. I loved your words more, the photo -- no doubt is good -- an art in more ways than one...

    I have read about your daughter many times here...would love if I could see a photo of her -- may be you two, or the family :)


  12. Very lovely image, Sandy.
    I think that to be able to play an instrument is really a gift of God.

  13. Anonymous12:26 AM

    It looks like liquid silver.

    And it can make such haunting, sweet sounds.

    It is great that she is learning the ways of a good friend like that.

  14. Looks "complicated" to start with :O

  15. So alien!!
    You see: I'm a flutist.
    LOL - Aloha, Sandy

  16. Anonymous3:37 AM

    thats great

    thank you for your wishes

  17. That's certainly an unusual picture. Like it!

  18. Anonymous6:13 AM

    My sister used to play clarinet too.

  19. I know that awe. All of my kids are musicians. It's great, isn't it?

  20. Anonymous9:10 AM

    That's great that your daughter plays an instrument. What a beautiful shot. I love the way you photographed the clarinet.

  21. You always manage to photograph ordinary things so that they look extraordinary. Beautiful.

    I used to play clarinet when I was your daughter's age!

  22. I love listening to music, but playing an instrument... :(
    My daughters play the harmonium though. Good shot!

  23. It looks way too complicated for me. :)

  24. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Isnt that amazing! beautiful.. =)

  25. This looks very complicated. I like the clarinet especially when it plays classical music. Very good picture, Sandy.

  26. It looks like a statue, seen from below or above. I was trying to find the arms and legs when I read it is a clarinet. Cool picture!

  27. being a music teacher, I absolutely love this one! :)

  28. What a cool perspective.. great shot.

  29. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Boy I haven't looked down a clarinet since high school band. And I knew just what it was. Funny because only the clarinet player sees a clarinet like this.

    Great perspective.

  30. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Amazing daughter!

  31. I have never looked at this music instrument from that angle. What a mechanism ! So many little elements to produce pure harmony.
    What you wrote is perfectly true, Sandy, I marvel myself listening some human voices singing. Sometimes, it's a little bit of perfection deeply hidden.

  32. Very unique to me to see an instrument view like that! (I only played the harmonica and hand bells and chimes so had no idea of different views of an instrument such as you pictured.)Very interesting! To me, it looks like a piece of modern art.

  33. I have been working so hard, I almost forgot how wonderful it is to sign on and watch your poetic journey with these most wonderful moments of, captured joy.

    I have had a most enjoyable visit. Thank you.


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