Blog Your Blessings Sunday: The Gift of Morning

Thriving on the pond at the bottom of our hill on a morning at the end of March were a young beaver intent on his morning ablutions, two wood ducks resentful of intrusions by this strange mammal, and a couple of Canada goose suddenly aware they slept through take off. The beaver sat on a slushy bit of ice, a small floe broken off from the rest of the pond, which seemed to stubbornly resist spring--or rather to cling to winter.

On the way up the hill: the woodpecker, back from the mysterious place woodpeckers go for the winter. Large, red-headed, and hungry, he pecked and pecked until he could derive breakfast from the dead tree.

After dawn but before the morning parade of traffic is a magical time to walk. Animals move about unselfconsciously; they let you watch. Birds are audible. The sky is a magical blue and grey and white, and the neighbors are friendly as they emerge from their homes with their dogs, their bedhead, and the day ahead on their minds.

I don't think about much more than what's in front of me when I walk. There is peace, there is magic, there is love, and there is beauty in the world. That's enough right there. Good morning.

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  1. Beautiful. This is also a magical time to take photographs. I think of it as the Earth being fresh.

    I went by your other blog and wanted to comment on Richie Havens, but could not comment.

    Which blogs are your active ones? I will favorite them to Technorati.

    Welcome to BYB SUnday.

  2. A fresh earth is a great image. Things smell new and clean. The day I saw the beaver, I had my phone with me, but I couldn't get a photo. It wasn't camera enough for the job. I realized all I could do was just be there.

    I didn't realize the comments were off on the reviews page. I changed it and all the other pages, which are active with the exception of short stories. Just haven't written any.

    I enjoy your blog and I appreciate your stopping by and leaving thoughtful comments! God bless.

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Happy BYB Sunday ........ one of my favourite songs is still Cat Stevens version of "Morning has broken".

    Happy BYB Sunday.

  4. Mahalo for your recent comments on my blog...I appreciate your visits and Happy BYB Sunday!

  5. I love mornings... but I'm not ussually that early a riser. You've inspired me to try and make it outside in the AM once in a while.

  6. I agree with everything you said and the times that I have been up really early I have found the world to be a magical place. However, I tend to be the "sleep in" type, especially on Sundays!! :-)

    Hope you had a wonderful day. I've very late with my blessings post, but getting there!

  7. Great post!

    Have a Blessed week ahead!


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