Trying to Remember Harold Elms, My Step-grandfather

 For the past few years, my husband and I have worked to reduce the amount of stuff we have--including the amount of what we consider to be historically significant memorabilia.  This has involved finding homes for my great-grandmother's needlework and rug hooking, my great uncle's stamp collections and Danbury-related autograph collections, and postcards.  The above photo is another historical gem that requires a home.  It is a photo of my father's step-father's navy platoon before these men set out to fight a war.  I have been researching where I might send this print of Harold R. Elms and others without any success.  My dad is gone, and his step-father's daughter passed in 2010.  I can't find any children connected to her.  So here's a damaged photo of men who trained to serve in the U.S. Navy during WWII and then did exactly that.

Service means putting everything you have on the line for the greater good.  I am grateful to the men in this photo who stand with my step-grandfather, though he had no idea about my dad or me at the time.  

Freedom lives because we cherish it and fight for it.  To that end, I am with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

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