

Here is a miracle

Fawn lies still for a month


Mottled coat

Blending with dappled light

Of May, June

Your priority is to get off a shot.

Time and nature

God said

Let the earth bring forth

The living creatures 

After his kind, cattle, creeping things,

And beasts of the earth,

After his kind.

And it was so. 

God saw that it was good.

So good.

The limiting stage involves successfully bagging the limit.

There, after his kind,

In the mottled light

The helpless fawn

Awaits his mother

At the trophy stage, the focus is now quality, not quantity.


To return along

The deer runs

To the bedding area

At dawn or dusk

To feed her child

Understory growth, berries.

At the method stage, the focus is on how the kill is accomplished.

How it goes


Buddha nature

No hurting, no killing

Enlightened, eating light

In the understory.

In the sportsman stage, the focus is on the process of the hunt

And the companionship of other hunters, and 

An appreciation of the animal being hunted.

Put yourself

In the place of the other,

Let no one kill or cause to kill another

Wait for your mother



Build yourself with light,

Young one.


KJV Bible, Genesis 1:24

Dhammapada 129


Massachusetts Audubon Society

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