Time Change

We invent time,
And then we play with it,
Taking it by the hand,
Guiding it forward and back:
A dance
A tease
A taunt.
Yet we say we are happiest
When we lose track of time
Forget what time it is
Feel like time stands still.

The moments we love most are the timeless ones.

I am thinking about time
As I sit in the waning dark of early morning
Waiting for change.
I want to give up the cold blue of this sleeping world
For the bright orange of day
As it lifts its giant’s head and shoulders
From the leathery pillow of last year’s leaves,
Climbs the white oak that will also arise from the dark,
And dissolve the uncertainty of this moment.

I want daylight
To take me by the hand
And swing me around and around
In a wild dance of right now.
I want to burn with forgetting
Every tease, every taunt,
Every possibility.  To hell with it.

What is here is here.  That is everything.
There is no standing still.  No real waiting.

Only waking at the right time.

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  1. Now that is a fabulous, heartfelt poem I can relate to!

    "The moments we love most are the timeless ones.

    I am thinking about time
    As I sit in the waning dark of early morning
    Waiting for change." Me too...


Thanks for being here.