Our World Tuesday: Waiting to Play

We've been having exams at school, so my nights and my weekend have been taken up with grading papers.  Maeve has been keeping me company, though.
The look in her eyes said all weekend, "Remember when we used to go outside to play?"  Outside, where the earth is claiming old barns...
...where big cloud and open roads invite us to wander and dream...
...where the vibrant colors say summer even in the heart of autumn.
We played, but not enough.  She is a patient friend, thank goodness.

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  1. She is beautiful....and has an incredibly beautiful world in which to play. Lovely photographs.

  2. Lots of great places to play, she's so sweet!

  3. What a sweetheart she is!! I know that you both had fun and a great break for you!! Lovely places to play indeed!! Have a good week, Sandy!!

  4. so cute. glad she made you get some fresh air!

  5. She is a little doll. You are lucky to have such a sweet girl that will wait for you to play. We have a new sweet girl too. She is a little larger.

  6. You have a wonderful friend - so does Maeve :-)


  7. She looks like an adorable friend.

  8. Hope you get to play real soon. It's the best medicine for humans and friends.

  9. Dogs are the best I have been sitting with mine like a private nurse worrying about her sleeping with her and she knows it. lol
    I hope she gets better. They do speak with their eyes. Thats a sign of a good dog.

  10. smiles...thank goodness for patient friends eh? i know all about grading papers...oy

  11. Lovely views! Sometimes we need "to wander and dream" indeed.

  12. trustworthy, loving and loyal-what more could you ask for...lol!

  13. She is a cute dog. I love her always interested expression.

  14. What a lovely little friend! Hope you survive all the marking and take her out for a biiig play.

  15. what a cutie pie. sure she got her play on in that field.

  16. Anonymous12:59 AM

    how lucky we are that our furry friends remind us of the outside world. Lovely shots.

  17. Maeve is a sweet dog! I am sure she is happy to be with you wherever you are! Lovely photos, Sandy!

  18. Such a peppy looking little dog! And no wonder she wants to to go out to play -- the world is so invigorating and beautiful this time of year.

  19. I think my dog Ellie feels the same way, wishes I had her boundless energy to play longer than I can.

  20. She's so sweet; I know you wish you could get out there too.

  21. Where on earth was Me !! To have found you so late


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