Our World Tuesday: Have Your Dog Tags?

Adella and I were out enjoying the morning with Clyde on Sunday.

From June 10, 2012

The air was filled with the fragrance of wild flowers, the moving water of the Pomperaug River, and everything green. It was a bright, warm, slightly muggy day; on these days green is a perfume as much as a color. We had it all, the three of us.
From June 10, 2012
From June 10, 2012

Then we had it all, the five of us. Two lovely and loving spaniels came out of nowhere and shared the path with us a while. Then they moved on to larger companions--a Basset hound and a big black-haired, water-loving dude the likes of which I had never before seen.

By the time our walk was finished, our little buddies were back at our heels. No human companion appeared for them, so Della checked the tags for a phone number, and we got Luke and Jack a ride home.

Their humans were a little awkward on arrival--the dad was obviously relieved and angry with the anger that is the residue of fear--and the little girl who had let them out the door couldn't get over their running away from her. She said so over and over again. The other little girl was an innocent bystander as the dogs stood behind me and Dell and spent a lot of time on their second thoughts about getting into the truck.

Della commented to me on the way home that it was pretty cool those dogs went to the park, walked on the path and visited with people when they were left to their own devices. True enough. Those dogs are right. We've got to lighten up. Think of the friends we could make.

(Thanks to Adella for the dog pictures.)

Our World Tuesday

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  1. I love the dogs and Adella's dog shots! What a fun day! I went to the park, too!! Have a great week -- all of you!


  2. they sure were lucky to have found you!

  3. Oh they're adorable. I'm glad that they found you rather than anyone else. Good on you for looking out for them. That's some fine photography, Adella.

  4. I love it when well mannered dogs accompany me on a walk. Nice of you to take the truant home thogh.

  5. Aw, this is sweet. Glad the dogs had owners and just wanted some people to pal around with.

    We inherited Leroy because someone just dropped him off in the desert and didn't want him.

    The pics are great. Nice that you found the owners.

  6. Nice post, Sandy! Thaks for sharing this walk with these beautiful photos.

  7. indeed, "think of the friends we could make." my dog doesn't have a tag but he's not adventurous at all. he doesn't take a step outside the gate without company.:p

  8. Great happy ending story!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  9. Smart puppies!! they were so adorable. how cool is that?

  10. Lovely captures. Thrilling.

  11. lol They knew who to follow lol
    That was a nice story. :)

  12. I love this story, I've reunited a few dogs with owners while out running, if they had tags, I've also reunited three cell phones that I've found geocaching with their owners also.

  13. I love a happy ending. And I always love seeing Clydester!!!

  14. The blog is interesting and nice dog tag.

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