Header Challenge: Big Bird

Topsail is a marvel not only for its natural wonders, as in the osprey featured in this week's banners, but also in its constructed ones, as in this little old helicopter whose presence up and down the beach is a reminder of that key feature of the Carolina economy:  the military.  I see these big guys above working hard and cruising the beach as often as I see these little guys below, scratching, preening, watching the day roll by.  Life is good if you're a big bird--or a little one!

Please check out the bloggers listed above for their takes on the big bird challenge!

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  1. What a fun 'challenge'!
    You've got a great header there with the osprey. I almost expected to see a V-22 Osprey rather than a heli; but the helicopter is cool too.

  2. then there's always sesame street's big bird!

  3. I like both types of birds in your post, but I think the osprey is my clear favorite.

  4. I love the osprey!
    but then the military is also very important

  5. I like the more quiet feathery birds better than the big noisy metal birds. I realize both are needed in this day and age. Sigh~~

  6. Real nature bird also a whirlybird.
    Great post and love that Header Sandy.

  7. Sandy: I do love your Osprey, they are a beautiful big bird.

  8. Good shot of the osprey coming into land.

  9. I like the tiered effect of your header. The Osprey landing is a lovely bird. What are they on is it a telegraph pole?


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