Skywatch Friday: She is Here

From Jul 13, 2011
The forest fire at Holly Shelter just a few miles away continues to drift smoke into the sunrises, making them feel like eerie primordial events.  Even though the light is soft, it's nice to wear sunglasses that filter the smoke and show more of the light.
From Jul 13, 2011
Despite the fire, life goes on, as these turtle tracks attest.  On Wednesday, these tracks led the way to a false crawl, where a mama sea turtle attempted to create a nest but could not.  She'll be back. 

From Jul 13, 2011
On Thursday morning, I met one after another Turtle Patrol person also looking for evidence of her return.  It is a loving vigil.
From Jul 8, 2011
Just a few days before, another mama successfully laid her eggs very near this false crawl.  The turtle folks moved it because this big ol' yellow house is where the TV show One Tree Hill is filmed, and the posse of people who come to make the show couldn't care less about the turtles.  The house is near a part of the beach where there are no houses, so if it weren't for the TV cast and crew, this would be a good spot.
From Jul 13, 2011
So much effort to come home after two decades and climb out of the water for this ritual.  How not to be in awe?

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  1. Marvelous post and photos for the day, Sandy, and of course, I do so agree with you regarding people and the turtles -- particularly the "movie people"!! Hope you have a wonderful day!


  2. Beautiful sunrise. Interesting that they moved the turtle nest. I would have thought they would just rope it off. I guess this is safer. Escpecially since everyone here just goes over the ropes.

  3. I guess moving the eggs does not distub them too much. That's interesting.

  4. Great photos for SWF and intersting post,Sandy!Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!

  5. I have never seen the tracks close up like this before! Wonderful!!

  6. It is sad that they had to move the turtles nest and eggs. I hope the nest and eggs hatch successfully. Happy skywatching, wonderful post and photos, Sandy!

  7. The turtles are truly amazing creatures. I hope the nests can be kept safe from the hordes of people.

  8. ah the trials of motherhood...

  9. How many of us would have kids if it took that much effort. And the daddy is not around to help build the nest!

  10. yes: Awe!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    My posts seem to be updating again!!!! Hooray!

    Comfort Spiral


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    < ° ) } } > <

  11. Really amazing photos!

  12. Powerful post about unexplainable things. Thanks be to people like you and other turtle watchers.

  13. Wow! turtle tracks,now i know how it look like.

    My SWF

  14. Oh My Sandy, oh my! What a thing to witness. I totally agree.

  15. Wow that is very interesting. Just like when it's snowing here in MI I looked at the ground if the deers or other animals did come close to the house and that gets me excited too. Great post!


  16. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Wow - that turtle ritual is amazing! Love the sky shots too.

  17. Wow ! what a beautiful sky !

    I have never seen turtle tracks, interesting !

  18. What a great post! I love to hear about the turtles and the photos are awesome. Nature continues to amaze and mystify me. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  19. Beautiful shots Sandy. Sorry about all the smoke and I hope the turtle finds a good spot to nest.

  20. yes wonderfully in awe
    thank you for sharing your world

  21. So interesting.
    Too bad they could not put a barrier around it so no one touches it. But sometimes its better to just get the eggs out of harms way.

  22. Great post! I love the top two photos!

  23. This is terrific, how well you have tracked it.

  24. Some things are so important! And you are focusing on a very important thing! Thank you.

  25. In awe indeed, great post Sandy keep up the great work.


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