Our Day

IMG 8166

The other day I was at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City with my sister, daughter, and nephews. In that magnificent warehouse of world culture and natural phenomena, we were surrounded by every make and model of humanity, and everybody was photographing everything because it was all so interesting--whether it was their thing or someone else's. (And most of us probably saw and loved Night at the Museum, the premise of which is your story is what you make it.) The entire world under one roof. It's amazing. It's beautiful. It's possible. It's worth fighting for. We call it home. Happy Independence Day.

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  1. excellent wording for beautiful thoughts of our World we thrive in

  2. I never saw that movie, but I like the thesis. And I love this photograph. It's perhaps one of your finest works. And that's a bar that's set pretty damn high.

    Seems like every time you float to the top of my blogroll I feel that twitch of excitement in my belly, because I just know I'm going to come here and find something uplifting -- or at the very least thought provoking.

    I've never been disappointed yet.

  3. may you have a wonderful celebration for this day!

  4. Happy independence day...

  5. we are certainly a diverse nation. just returned from a trip to canada and it was fun to see the us flag again though canada is beautiful-it's not HOME!

  6. Happy 4th of july.

  7. Happy 4th of July. Cheers.
    Thanks Sandy.

  8. When we call it Fourth of July it doesn't have as much meaning as when it is called Independence Day! Nice photo of the grand ole flag! I have one to post if I can find it so might have it up by morning.

  9. Lovely photo of your flag, Sandy. I love visiting your blog - inspiring. Happy 4th of July/Happy Independence Day from Jo (South Africa)

  10. Lovely photo of your flag, Sandy. I love visiting your blog - inspiring. Happy 4th of July/Happy Independence Day from Jo (South Africa)

  11. Amen, Happy Fourth of July.

  12. It's such a pretty flag.

    We just went through Conneticut, stopped at a beach in Norwalk waiting for the traffic to die down.

  13. Wish you happy Independence day. That is a very nice shot.

  14. Wishing you a happy 4th from one of your friends north of the border. :)

  15. so good to be home in USA for our birthday celebration. It was funny to be in Canada for their birthday celebration just a few days ago...

  16. Great post! Happy 4th to everybody.

  17. That truly is, like the song says, a grand old flag. Happy weekend!

  18. Dear Sandy I am weitting a book My E Mail is lbrad2@sbcglobal.net please sent me ur email

  19. A very fitting reminder. Thanks for sharing your trip and its far-reaching meanings.
    Happy 4th!

  20. Your words are very well written (as is the story with the kids at the memeorial.)Visitng a museum like the ones in DC can seem like a sea of humanity and chaos. But what draws us all there is the opportunity to see and experience our history and get a feel for what makes us special as a country. I vsit my father and grandfather at Arlington and the silence and simplicity of the scene is always overwhelming. Thank you for visitng Tampa DP. Please visit again soon. Happy 4th!

  21. Excellently put Sandy..
    Jane and I wish you. your family and many many friend a happy, bright fun fill Independence Day...

  22. Happy 4th to you Sandy! What a beautiful post this was to read. Loved the flag photo too. Old Glory is glorious!!!!

    Hugs, G

    PS: I just posted a picnic salad recipe over at MPP, you might want to take a peek! Perfect for July 4th. :<)

  23. Wish you a very happy independence day !! Great Flag..Do check my another blog also i.e.Unseen Rajasthan

  24. Happy 4th of July Sandy!!

  25. Happy 4th of July.

  26. Beautiful Sandy! Happy 4th of July!

  27. wonderful post Sandy! You pack so much feeling and thoughts into your post that is simply amazing! Thank you for sharing my dear friend!

  28. Sandy: It is wonderful that we have a flag with which to stand united.

  29. Happy (belated... sorry, I was out most of yesterday!) Birthday, Neighbour!

  30. Happy Independence Day to you, too!

  31. Great photo for a 4th of July sky watch, hope you are having a good weekend.


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