One Single Impression: Inner Voice

IMG 8403

A child's hand
Reaches toward
The rays of the sun

Not to hold them

But to touch and be touched

By the warm yellow light.

The hand that reaches for the world
Because it is there

For no reason

But to be touched
By curious hands

Stops the hands of time
In a child's heart
Where dwells
The light of the sun

We speak of it
As the soul

It is the inner voice
Whose language is light
Whose lexicon is mystery
Whose syntax is truth

Children speak with that voice
Long before they speak
To anyone

Some never lose the language

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  1. Aaahhhhhh, this is oh so true. A beautiful poem.

  2. A lovely poem.....
    and great shot as well

    Hope your day has been beautiful

  3. I really like the thoughts of your poem and the picture you used to illustrate the poem. Very well done!

  4. Sandy, what a great poem my dear friend and a lovely picture to go with it. You make language come alive!

  5. Sandy: what a special post, your writing style is so expressive my freind.

  6. A splendid post, Sandy.
    I've enjoyed very much both the thoughtful poem and the charming image.

  7. Beautiful poem, Sandy,

    "It is the inner voice
    Whose language is light
    Whose lexicon is mystery
    Whose syntax is truth"

    lovely lines,


  8. That is so beautiful. I loved it.

  9. this is so beautiful and so touching. an ATC(artist trading card)has to be 2.5"x3.5" that is the only requisite. you can do anything on them, paint, draw, stitch, paste etc...and never sell them, only trade or gift could put some of your lovely photos on to them...wanna try?

  10. lovely thoughts, goes along with my workshop on worship and light that i attended the last two days...beautiful poem and interesting photo. you are very creative and sensitive...

  11. Perfect words. And so true.

  12. a poem that's warm and buttery. Sandy, I'd say all your poems are spiritual and inspirational.

  13. Love the idea of the soul's syntax being truth! Beautiful poem!

  14. This touched me so deeply...your words had such truth and meaning in them. This is a poem I could revisit when I need to feel's a beautiful reminder to the child that lives in all of us.

  15. Great poem speaks to a great photo, Sandy! :)

  16. There are so many images and lines that I love about this poem. The language of light you speak so well.

  17. Some keep it, some lose it, some have it stolen from them. Strangely, the thieves seem to have no use for it after they've taken it.

    What if we all kept it...

    Beautifully written Sandy.

  18. I loved the poem. It made me think of a comment that my 3 year old Granddaughter made recently. She was at Vacation Bible School, and had written on a piece of paper. She said, "this note is for Jesus. I'll give it to him when he comes to pick me up."

    An Arkies Musings

  19. Very nice, Sandy. Wouldn't it be nice to be a child again in touch with those orignal inner voices in our heads. And to touch only because it is there. Very nice.

    Thank you for your endurring struggle with Mr. Linky. He reminds me of the airport administration in Amman, Jordan. They wouldn't let us get on our plane unless we paid MORE for our bus. And the plane was close enough to have walked, we did not even need the bus. They would not let us walk.

  20. quite special i bet tge billings felt it..sak

  21. Oh how beautiful! Sandy, you took my breath away...

  22. Wonderful poem and thoughts. I particularly love the inner voice ... Whose syntax is truth ... a reminder to listen to that deepest part of ourselves.

    Peace & love,

  23. "whose syntax is truth" -- WOW! Your poem reminds me of Wordsworth's Intimations of Immortality
    "And not in utter nakedness,/
    But trailing clouds of glory do we come/From God, who is our home:"

  24. Wonderful reminder for us all ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  25. beautiful sandy...there is no other sound as beautiful as the language that a child speaks... yes, that we would never lose that ability....

  26. The flower is ome of Gods Mant children

  27. Beautiful words. A child speaks many languages before they speak to us. Thanks.

  28. You found the perfect words to put with that unique photo!

  29. Nice words, beautiful poem! This is deeply moving! For years of working in an essay writing service company, I've always wanted to change genre and write poems. I admire how the poets use the written words to convey a special message. This poem tell about the inner voice and I love how it was written - simple yet full of meaning.

  30. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Beautiful and thought provoking-about that perfect time when a child's innocence allows him to tell the truth.

    Congrats on your POTD mention...well deserved.

  31. "Some never lose the language"

    That's you my friend.
    Yet another wonderful impression and insight. Well deserved POTD.

  32. An endearing thought of the child's hand reaching out to touch the rays of sun!

  33. wow, what amazing verse to go with equally amazing pic. to stay in that mind set (heart set) of the child reaching for the light. congrats on the POTD mention!

  34. wow this was so beautiful and true!
    The child wanting to touch the ray of light is the perfect example of hope and the divine soul...the perfect poem !

  35. This is a beautiful post and wonderful imagery. I can see why it was included in POTD over at David's Authorblog. Have a great week.

  36. Beautiful! Sandy! Brilliant!

  37. I am a firm believer that most of the mysteries on this planet are much closer to the understanding ... of a child`s belief than any other way.

  38. I can't believe I missed this post! Beautiful!! Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!!

  39. Sandy,
    This is wonderful, beautiful and I deeply enjoyed it.

  40. Anonymous4:14 PM

    So true, Sandy. My husband and I spent some time with two little ones, last week, 3 and 5, both still believers. What a joy!

    Cool shot, too.

  41. Truly beautiful. Congrats on the post of the day nomination.

  42. I love my inner voice, for it is the child within -- always innocence and always filled with hope.

    I truly enjoyed this.

  43. Wow. Beautifully expressed and soul moving. I've not stopped reading it.

  44. “to be touched
    By curious hands

    Stops the hands of time
    In a child's heart”

    Fools, mystic, poets, lovers speak with this voice. For others it may be forgotten, hidden, but not lost.

    This poem flows like a river from that deep undamaged place; your words bring light and delight. Thank you.

  45. Sandy, this is beautiful. I love the reference to a syntax of truth.

  46. Beautiful truths in this lyrical piece! Lovely!

  47. Magnificent lines:

    It is the inner voice
    Whose language is light
    Whose lexicon is mystery
    Whose syntax is truth

  48. "ths small voice within" that Gandhi said!

  49. Just beautiful Sandy...children know, don't they?

  50. Innocence, wonder, curiousity - the gifts that children that you describe so well. Love, "the inner voice/ whose language is light/ whose exicon is mystery/ whose syntax is truth"

  51. I agree. . . Sandy, you have never lost that language. Beautiful poetry!


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