One Single Impression: Fork in the Road

Here is a fork in the road
And I am looking
Down both paths at once

And I realize
There is a fork
very likely because
Two people simply got to this point
And felt like going different ways.

There is nothing cosmic about this;
It is about the lust we call hunger.

Make a choice and move on;
Be like that hungry squirrel
There at the fork in this road.
Be like that fat, hungry, healthy squirrel
Who very likely sleeps through the night
Without the slightest thought
Of this way or that.

Dig a little, move on, dig a little, move on
Because you are hungry,
And being fed is everything.
You will find it, by god you will find it;
It is there to be found.

Just dig a little.

This is the faith of a squirrel.

Have that faith and move on.

You will be fed.
You will find it, by god you will find it;
It is there to be found.

Just go.
You don't have a choice;
You have a hunger.

So go.

One Single Impression

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  1. I've always said that regrets are sweet, and that you always have them if you are human, because you are always making choices, on or the other. But those regrets are the nuts of memories that the inner squirrel in us find back in time, and savor that moment in time ... on our good days.

  2. hunger as gift from god. just beautiful !!

  3. Hunger in all it's forms can be a powerful incentive to move forward. What an interesting take on this prompt.

    Hugs, G

  4. Before a fork, sometimes it's really hard to make a choice, sometimes it may be impossible.
    Very fine and deep poem.

  5. Like the bird in the sky who does not fret about where tomorrow's food comes from .... it takes so much courage from a human than from a bird or a squirrel, we are aware of the choice left behind and the consequences this may have.

  6. Forks are so thought provoking. Should we or shouldn't we. Which way. What to do. The blind faith is what leads us down those paths.

  7. I love your poem, and have lingered over the image of the squirrel, whose hunger means that being fed is everything--many insights to ponder today from that!

  8. Great observations Sandy. But, no one put it in more thought provoking terms than Yogi Bera when he said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." Have a great Sunday. Pappy

  9. Anonymous8:46 AM

    What a thoughtful poem -- I love the idea of WHY there is a fork in the road (sometimes its just random!)

    Change is hard. Some are paralyzed and cannot choose, some are free to take towards the unknown, some follow the path of least resistance. Following hunger is probably the most true path.

  10. Anonymous8:51 AM so many forms..defines/decides so much..lovely poem..many thanks..
    (thanks also for reading my poem the way u did)

  11. well, there's must be no room for regrets. hehe. but yeah, follow your heart especially if it is filled with determination :-)

  12. interesting comments...blind faith, hunger, fork in the road-we have them every day in almost every situation. CHOICES-only we can determine our own path by following our heart's desire and the Spirit's promptings. Not looking back but pressing forward with FAITH...for the journey ahead.

  13. so beautiful! nice one!

  14. Beauty with power. Excellent.

  15. Good one, Sandy

    and if one doesn't forget the purpose that got him/her to the is easy to take decisions at the fork on the road, I believe...and one needn't repent too...

    all the other incidences --those good ones could be a gift from God, bad ones could be a learning experience...


  16. The lillies of the field do not need to be tended by man and yet they flourish.

    Some squirrels can be so greedy.

  17. I have bird feeders on my front porch and at times, the birds get very little because the squirrels will gobble it as fast as they can.

  18. I think I enjoy your writing and your poetry as much as your pictures. I enjoyed both posts.
    Enjoy your Sunday!

  19. I was just writing that animals (cats in that case) seemed to have an easier life. They do not torture themselves over choices the way we do constantly.

  20. I admire your gift for poetry. Your
    poem is meaningful. To me it speaks of having faith no matter how small.

  21. The beginning of this poem is a revelation -- one never really thinks of this, but indeed, every fork in the road is because two people wanted to go in different directions. Perhaps we do put way to much into the choice, and not enough into the going!

  22. Gandhi wrote ( I think) paraphrased: when a man's belly is empty then peace is not to be found. I feel the same is true with spiritual hunger.... very thought-provoking Sandy. These lines esp.:

    "Two people simply got to this point
    And felt like going different ways.

    There is nothing cosmic about this;
    It is about the lust we call hunger."

  23. Simply beautiful, Sandy.

  24. Yes, I have a hunger. The question is: will it ever be satisfied and do I really want it to be, or is that longing part of the joy of living?

  25. It is as though your words pile up and create a power to: Just go!
    very nice~

  26. "Dig a little, move on, dig a little, move on
    Because you are hungry,
    And being fed is everything.
    You will find it, by god you will find it;
    It is there to be found."

    In life I don't believe nothing is truly lost, if we "dig a little" we can find it. On one hand I see this concept with clear vision, on the other hand, my doubts are always with me .. as I am still searching for myself.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  27. remember when you come to the fork in the road... take it

  28. Courageous search for the wonder that feeds. Lovely work!

  29. Hunger helps us grow. Just brilliant this post is.

  30. You know Sandy... if this teaching gig doesn't work out? You have an incredible future as a writer/poet/photographer/artist/...

    this is just ... mind altering.


  31. 'you don't have a choice; you have a hunger...' - a very telling line in this for me.

  32. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Phew, I just wish my life was that simple!!!

    nicely written!

  33. I'm rather fond of squirels! Always so busy, thinking of surviving. I watch them all year long. The are just that, survivers. Beautiful poem. Hits home.

    Thank you for your kind words. It's good to be back. It's been a trying winter.

  34. squirrel hungers for food
    and I hunger for your touch
    unchained melody

    Justin Guarini - Unchained melody
    Preview: ... my love my darling i hunger for your touch a long lonely time time goes by so slowly and time can do so much are you still mine i need your love i need your love god speed your love to me lonely river flow to the sea to the sea to the open arms o...

    The Everly Brothers - Unchained melody
    Preview: ...ditto

    Cyndi Lauper - Unchained melody
    Preview: ... ditto

    Kenny Rogers - Unchained melody
    Preview: ... ditto

    [mp3] Manhattan Transfer - Unchained melody
    Preview: (different) ... my love my darling yeah i hunger for your t t t t t t touch oooooh time goes by so slowly yes and time can do so m m m m m m much are you still mine i need your love need it need it need it need it need it need it i need your love need it need it ...

    Nice poem, Sandy. Squirrels don't think, instinct takes care. Humans leave the touching to instinct sometimes as well (I'm thinking the choice is now or wait--love waits).
    BTW, Adi has better instincts than your little squirrel.

  35. Anonymous2:21 AM

    This got me thinking..not in terms of asceticism but the those needs we have? They tend to almost dominate, so maybe if we don't let them rule the outcome? I liked that part where you go forward but your not thinking so much of how and it's like faith?
    Nice one-

  36. I have come to read your poem before, today I am back to congratulate you for making it onto David's POD Award blog! Well deserved.

  37. It is precisely because of our hunger, so we are continually looking for, and constantly in pursuit.
    Health is the Greatest Happiness
    The World at The Present

  38. Beautiful, beautiful poetry..!
    Came here via authorblog. Glad I did.

  39. Anonymous7:51 AM

    These sentiments that you share in this poem, Sandy, are emotions, needs, and a simple fact of life. If we are to grow, really grow, there will be forks in the road. Sometimes we find ourselves just standing there and starring at that fork. We are afraid to make the wrong move. Often we don't move at all and it tends to stifle us. Excellent work!

  40. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Sandy-thought provoking as always! This one made me have the "by God" attitude. As in by God I'm not going to let these hard times get me down-I'm going to adopt your squirrels attitude!

  41. quite profound- I shall but pass this way just once..

  42. This is lovely. I've been thinking about this subject a lot lately - you've expressed some of what I've felt so profoundly. Beautiful.

    Congratulations on POTD. :-)

  43. Sandy, this is just so powerful and full of hope and faith. We all come to that fork sooner or later. Wonderful.


  44. You need faith to keep moving. I loved the poem.

  45. leaves me hungry for more. Very nice.

  46. You might "hunger " for one road over the other BUT you know that you can always come back and take the other "road" if you are still "hungry."

  47. Anonymous6:11 AM

    And I realize
    There is a fork
    very likely because
    Two people simply got to this point
    And felt like going different ways.

    this was so awesome thinking !!

  48. Nice one..its always our hunger that supersedes our virtues.

  49. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I guess we would never go forward without that hunger. Nice poem.

  50. Anonymous7:20 PM

    ahh, you speak of hunger so sweetly

  51. Excellent poem Sandy. Who hasn't felt this way? I loved these lines: " very likely because
    Two people simply got to this point
    And felt like going different ways" such a life experience...

  52. Dearest Sandy--
    This one pulled that beautiful phrase from somewhere 'let your heart be pulled by that which silently calls to you'.

    You have a poet's voice and an artist's eye. And a lover's heart.

    Thank you--


Thanks for being here.