Thursday Thirteen No. 4: Rose Windows

This is the rose window at St. John's Parish on the Green in Waterbury, Connecticut. It's a central image for westbound travelers on Main Street in the Brass City. I did some reading to find out more about these windows this week. Here's what I learned:

1. The rose window is a descendant of the Roman oculus, which is a small round opening in a wall. During the Romanesque period, this opening developed into a window.

2. It is generally accepted that the origin of illustrative glass work within European religious structures dates back to the late 800s.

3. In the sixth century, Pope Gregory the Great made a plea that scriptural scenes be depicted on the walls of churches for the benefit of the unlettered faithful. A Synod at Arras in 1025 reiterated the recommendation, for "this enables illiterate people to learn what books cannot teach them."

4. The name “rose window” was not used before the 17th century and in all likelihood stems from the Old French word roué, meaning wheel, not from the English flower name, rose.

5. These windows, like mandalas, represent a sacred concept of completeness and balance. (more)

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  1. Beautiful and informative TT! :)

  2. That is so pretty and very interesting.
    Happy T13

  3. I love, love rose window!!!!

    My TT is up!

  4. Very interesting. I like rose windows !

  5. Anonymous5:08 AM

    thank you for providing the info.

  6. I so love Rose windows. My favorite has to be Notre Dame but of course, that's a very famous one. Great insight!

    Happy TT!

  7. Thanks for visiting me--we do have a lot in common, I see we are both December babies too! What a small world!

  8. Anonymous9:50 PM

    It's always so interesting and informative to do a little research on architectural elements :)

    Great TT!

    Mine is up too :)


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