Today's Flowers: Pond Lilies

These lilies were blooming at the New Hanover County Arboretum when Adella and I stopped there a few weeks ago.  I remember a Japanese woman coming up behind me (like the writhing smoke of incense) to take her own picture and then apologizing to me for getting in my way.  She was not in my way but in my space, inches from my face.  She was with two women who, like her, wore long, slinky skirts and halter tops.  This detail is of no importance, but it made me laugh because her two cohorts were also slinking around with their iPhones taking pictures of everything regardless of the people they stepped over like proprietary cats.  They seemed to be in uniform on somebody's behalf from somwhere; they were so purposeful.  Someday, maybe I'll have the moxie to climb into a stranger's lap to get the exactly right shot and apologize later without looking back.  I mean it; I want to be the Japanese girl with the iPhone someday.  Meanwhile, I am the bemused mommy schoolteacher enjoying the hell out of life.  It's all so, so good.

Today's Flowers

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  1. These are lovely!
    Happy weekend to you!

  2. Water lilies seem magical to me. They seem to appear from nowhere. As to the exotic Japanese ladies, well they are like these water lilies, popping up from nowhere.

  3. i like your attitude. :)

  4. perhaps in your next life you will be that japanese the mean time...enjoy that life...

  5. no need to be someone else-just enjoy who you!

  6. Smile, laugh and enjoy, it's the only life we have and I don't want to waste a moment! Great attitude indeed, Sandy! Beautiful flowers!

  7. Glad you're enjoying life - without need to climb over anyone. I'm also glad you contribute to my own enjoyment by taking lovely pictures like these. Thanks so much.

  8. You have a wonderful outlook on life Sandy and you take the loveliest photos for us to enjoy.


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