Our World Tuesday: Top of the World to You

The weekend took an unexpected course--which is to say my plans didn't go according to plan.  But the weekend went well.  I've been operating on the "it is what it is" principle, and it's working out.  Life is good, peaceful.  We ended up in New Haven, where I work.  We made our way to the top of East Rock and had a look at a decent piece of the Connecticut coast.  (That's my school behind my daughter in the bottom right of the frame.)

We got a look at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, which commemorates every New Havenite who served in every war from the first revolution to the second (we call it the Civil War).

Notice how muscular this woman is.  The figures on this monument were mighty.  In their shadow, one shirtless man was walking on his hands in the grass.  Another was rapping and dancing.  A group of four sat in a circle checking messages.  A little boy and led his dad down a path with all the know-how of a kid who had been there on a field trip. He was so proud to show his dad what he knew.  An older couple embraced as they took in the view.    Runners came and went.

We made our way back into town to the Yale Art Gallery, where "Shock and Awe" by Judith Shea (2010) stopped us in our tracks.  Think 9/11.  Think New York City.  (Click here for Ms. Shea's account of the history of her work.)
We stepped back out into a bright and beautiful day, and we felt all the more grateful for it after this encounter with art.
Love your life.  Love your world.  Be kind to both.

Our World Tuesday

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  1. our world is full of art to appreciate...

  2. wow. both sets of sculptures are beautiful and and...

  3. Incredible sculptures and we all have so much to appreciate and be grateful for in our world! Thanks as always for the reminder, Sandy! Hope you have a great week!!

  4. smiles...i love that you included al that the people were doing around the monument...thats what i would be about...and i like the go with the flow attitude...it is what it is...smiles.

  5. I love how you fill your life, your weekends, and that you share fun with your daughter. Thanks for sharing with us too.

  6. Lovely mature joy filled.........


  7. Oh how marvelous!!!!
    Thanks for sharing all the pics

  8. So nice and interesting, beautiful sculptures and landscapes!

  9. Second Revolution? Civil War? Ohhhh, you mean The War of Northern Aggression!!!

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Yep, life is good. You just have to go with it.

    Sometimes you have to climb up the hill and see what is up there.

  10. What an extraordinary and refreshing post, Sandy! It is good to escape at times through the experience of another. I enjoyed the observations you shared of the people and goings on around you. Made me feel as if I were there!! ;)

  11. i like your philosophy.

  12. That's a delightful to enjoy the beauty around us! Interesting to note the similarity of the New Haven Soldiers and Sailors Monument to some of the monuments at Gettysburg.

  13. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Both sculptures - so different in style and yet lovely.

  14. It is good that you get to embrace your world in such a peaceful fashion.

  15. You work in a spectacular place.
    The statues are beautiful.

  16. Lovely captures! The statues look grand against the blue sky!

  17. Maybe not what you'd planned but sounds like a perfect weekend...art and the outdoors....some thinking and some relaxing....life is good!

  18. I love art. gus and I are going to the Phoenix art museum tomorrow. Art, poetry, nature, beauty; all fill out the corners of my life. Nice to see someone else who "gets it." Your daughter is beautiful by the way.


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