Wordless Wednesday: Turtle in a Tub

This is a young loggerhead turtle languishing in a tub in a North Carolina aquarium.  Every year, the aquarium at Fort Fisher takes three hatchlings and keep them for a year.  They release them, according to the girl at the turtle tub, when they are strong enough to make it in the ocean.  Yeah.....  So what about all those other turtles who are not the beneficiaries of human intervention?  Yeah.

Wordless Wednesday

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  1. Yes, I have the same question!! Great photo and so different from what we usually see! Thanks for sharing, Sandy!! Hope your week is going well!

  2. Hmmmmm. I hate to sound gruesome but do they teach them to starve to death in that year? Or do the natural instincts kick in when they hit that salty water? We will never know. I choose to think the best.

  3. Maybe we need a boot camp for the hatchlings if they are not strong enough when they hatch?

  4. at least a few get a head start.

  5. what a great title for a post Turtle in a TUB...certainly something we don't think about.

  6. Good question....

  7. It looks so flat in that image.
    Glad this hatchling will get a chance. It would be better if they didn't need it.

  8. Sad, that we can have little hope for the fate of the others. Hope these do make it though.

  9. Our BC turtles are disappearing cause people are throwing sliders into the lakes and parks. It's becoming apparently a problem and they are being searched and rescued by animal control. They are talking about banning the sale of baby turtles who grow big and are then discardedinto nature where they get sick and die and/or destroy our ecosystem.
    I told my son if he finds a turtle, to bring it home.
    How hard can it be to care for a turtle.? Why do people throw them away?

  10. such an interesting photo, because it is underwater i guess
    and the color is amazing

    yea, to the surviving turtles

  11. that is pretty cool that they release them after a year...saw a bunch of large turtles last time i was in mexico...pretty amazing creatures....very cool shot too sandy...

  12. Poor thing -- it doesn't seem a great place to spend your youth, but maybe it's the best option, they are so endangered. I worry about these turtles. Once in Texas we saw one released (that had been rehabilitated). It was quite exciting.

  13. Glad it is saved. The pic looks cool!


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