Our World Tuesday: Snead's Ferry

Snead's Ferry is the shrimp capitol of North Carolina and an interesting little village.  The locals resent the heck out of the tourists who come in and reshape things to suit themselves, but they don't mind the tourist dollar at the seafood shacks.  Shrimping is big business and hard work.  Still, we found our share of shrimpers sitting back and taking in the day when we took a ride around the village a few weeks ago.

As the Marine Corps expands its presence in the area, new subdivisions are appearing left and right.  Still, life goes on the old way in the Ferry.
I love it.
There is a meeting house in the village that is surrounded by burying grounds full of all kinds of grave markers. Some are poured concrete with the names and dates drawn in.  Here is Debrid, who was loved by Jesus.  The figurine is part of the statement.
Here's a baby who lived a day 43 years ago who has not been forgotten.  This stuff breaks your heart.
Here's another life that has earned a lot of remembering.
And some more poured concrete--and a carefully wrought backwards N.  This place reminded me how so may of us--most of us--do what we can with what we have where we are.  Life chooses us.  That's important, and it's very beautiful--and humbling.

Our World Tuesday

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  1. Wow!!!
    Nice:-) :-)

  2. Oh, just....oh! Was thinking about a trite comment when I read the first par of the post, but can't speak now after the last of it.

  3. what an interesting graveyard. love the ships.

  4. Sandy, What lovely and touching photos. It is always interesting to "explore" places like that. It does give one a different perspective on life. Mickie :)

  5. What a quaint place,the boats are great!

  6. Such a moving graveyard and your captures are wonderful, Sandy! And, of course, I love the boats! Hope you have a great week!

  7. Yes. Excellent communication :-)


  8. Yes life chooses us and we often forget that.

  9. Nice, my geocaching takes me into country cemeteries and many of the markers are poured concrete or sometimes even rougher sackrete, and you find some infant graves from long ago with flowers freshly laid.

  10. these markers pulled at my heartstrings. great post.

  11. thanks for sharing special thoughts!

  12. Anonymous2:26 AM

    What humble grave markers!

  13. Great coverage of the village.

  14. What a neat village. The boats are cool and the cemetery is interesting. Thanks for sharing, Sandy! Have a great day!

  15. Interesting place!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  16. Ainda é Dia Das Mães..
    Às vezes, você se aborrece
    Porque ainda sou criancinha
    E sempre deixo marcas de dedos
    Nos móveis da casa inteirinha.
    Mas estou crescendo dia a dia
    E logo adulto vou ser
    E essas marcas de dedos
    Vão todas desaparecer.
    Agora deixo uma marca bem especial
    Pra você nunca esquecer
    Como eram meus dedinhos
    Antes de eu crescer.
    Agora somos adultos a saudade
    que sentimos já é nossa dos nossos
    pequeninos já adultos também.
    Feliz Dia Das Mães com muito carinho.
    Ser mãe de verdade é ser amiga
    dos filhos é ser seu porto seguro.
    Cabe a nós mães ser exemplo
    ser espelho onde nossos filhos possa
    contemplar e refletir passado e futuro
    com muito amor e fé acima de tudo.
    Mãe :fale do amor de Deus para seus filhos
    só assim eles terão orgulho de chamar te de (Mãe)
    Feliz Dia das mães carinhosamente, Evanir.
    Tem mimo na postagem fique a vontade para levar de lembrança.


Thanks for being here.