One Single Impression: Cognizant

Before I was with you
I was with God

My child said this to me
At four.
Other children
At four
Have said this to their mothers.

It is true:

Spirits travel.
Children know and remember,
And they try to tell us

When they chase butterflies
Follow turtles into the cool dark,
Roll down hills, twirl in the grass,
Fall down laughing in the sunshine.

So do I

Though I know nothing
Of God.

I know the butterflies,
Turtles, grass, and sunshine.

I know laughter.

It is the thread running
Through this needle
We call life.

My loose running stitches
Are sloppy.

I know it.

Right now these stitches are my best work.
They fasten me to this world
And to you


I know it.

What can I say.

I am not sorry.

I am laughing in the sunshine.

Be with me

And let it be.

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  1. You have given me so many beautiful images, chasing butterflies..catching turtles..I see the children doing it some times..

    Happy Easter!

  2. Out of the Blue. p 1.

    I was just reading it, not half an hour ago.

    There is nothing sloppy in needlework that brings into the world beauty such as you have sewn here.

    I am awed.

    (or "froozled", according to my word verification.)

  3. so true,so true!
    I love this.
    Happy Easter Sandy.

  4. This is both beautiful and true. Thank you and have a Happy Easter.

  5. Hi Sandy...
    You certainly are a good wordsmith... or an artist painting pictures using words only...

    Happy Easter to you and yours Sandy..

  6. Your incredible ability to create such vivid pictures with your words never ceases to amaze and delight me, Sandy. You are indeed an artist and I do so admire you! Wishing you a very Happy Easter weekend!

    Thank you!


  7. Amazing connection of very interesting thoughts, Sandy.
    I wish you a Happy Easter!

  8. That was really beautiful! You have a magical way with words.

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    You made my heart dance and my spirit glow with the radiance, here.

    Amazed and delighted, I see this beautiful world again through your eyes.

  10. Lovely words and so well said
    Happy Easter

  11. You gave me goosebumps with this.

  12. nature, god, children and creativity so nicely intertwined...

  13. The best part is the part which makes me think.


    "Though I know nothing
    Of God."

  14. Innocence beautifully painted in wonderful poem...even the laughters, yes, it reminds us how were a chi ld and how we have been with God before we were born...but even after birth, till next life, we are with God?

    You have awesome thoughts Sandy!

    I love it very much!

  15. Great images. Thought-provoking lines. We know what we cannot see through what we see, what we cannot touch through what we touch, what we cannot hear through what we hear...

    Thanks, Sandy.

  16. Very descriptive! Happy Easter!

  17. Full of life - right where we are now!

  18. I like chasing butterflies.

  19. All I can say is 'What lucky children!'

  20. The poem seems to offer an awareness of that sensitive chasm between child and adult. The child has no fear, just pleasure while we can only watch, trying to understand and remember the Spirit the child seems to know and accept so well! A beautiful poem!

  21. Beautiful. So full of imagery and meaning.

  22. nice post :) happy Easter dear :)

  23. I am with you...!!

  24. Oh how sad that as adults
    we leave our childlike beliefs
    and forget this.

    Happy Easter, Sandy!

  25. be with me and let it be,
    I enjoyed each word, thought and feeling in your poem

  26. There is an ancient proverb. It says that just before a child is born, the angel Gabriel tells her everything—all the secrets of God and the mysteries of the universe. Then he kisses her on the forehead, and she begins to forget.
    The tapestry you stitch, the echoes in your words set everything vibrating. Breathtaking!

  27. This poem is so lively. So much going on. Things I like to do of course so it really captured my imagination.

  28. Thank you for your visit to Shiteki Na Usagi and for your comment. I really enjoyed your poem. The imagery is good. I've always relished the child-Father connection between us and God. Thank you for sharing this.

  29. thru all the burdens of life, laughter thru the eye of the needle can seem impossible to do, and impossible not to.

  30. I could connect with this poem in so many ways. There are rich, wonderful images here. This stirred my heart and I thank you.

  31. I just love your beautiful mind and heart, Sandy. And your poetry. :)

  32. Beautifully expressed, Sandy. You captured the faith and wisdom of children very well...and also the power of laughter and how it connects us to the rest of the universe.

  33. I do believe children have a special, different sense than parents do. Life makes us forget. I like the way you relate this to common games children play and how these are part of our reality in the world. Quite touching for me. Keep sewing, stitching, and laughing with the kids.

  34. Don't you wish we knew everything that children know, things we once knew and have forgotten? This is a wonderful attempt to express our observations and suppositions of that knowledge.

  35. Exquisite imagery and thought!

  36. I love this one, so full of meaning and beauty.

  37. such an inspiration to read your poetry Sandy :-) it lingers


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