One Single Impression: Reincarnation

What would you be if you could come back?
We asked the question as a game
when we were children.

I wouldn't ask it now;

I don't care about coming back,
Don't care about later.

Right now

If I could transform myself
I would not--

Though if I had to
I'd become that blend

Of sugar and sunshine
That makes a grape

A grape.

And I would wait for you
To break me open

Until the wine of so many summer days
Coursed through your veins,

Made you warm and open
And full of slow sunsets

And there was no difference
Between you and me.

I said if.

Right now
This theme for a dream is enough.

I will write it.

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  1. A wonderful love poem, Sandy! I love the line: Until the wine of so many summer days/Coursed through your veins,
    Thank you! :)

  2. Mmmmmm.... delicious!

    I like the way you think/emote. And I'll have another glass, please!

  3. your visit is a blessing... Thank you sandy!

  4. What a celebration to the "what ifs" of life!


  5. interesting thoughts, "what ifs" are better phrased "what I learned..."

  6. That's a dream I like to play with too; so many possibilities and wonders!

  7. Sweet spontaneous revelation, Sandy.

    Aloha, Friend!

    Comfort Spiral

  8. What a lovely thought, Sandy...the wine was poetry indeed!

  9. You are very juicy now. I like the way you ooze out onto these posts. Many of your words ripple through me. Sometimes we are one. Now. I like to think I won't "need" anything when I am gone. I will be complete. I won't need to be anything or anyone else. I will be able to BE.

  10. A glass of wine with a special sunset and person. To worry about tomorrow or living in the moment. Very nice Sandy.

  11. I really like where you've taken this prompt Sandy. A unique look at reincarnation, nice one!

  12. .. do grapes want to be grapes ..

    didn't know that ..

    lovely poem ..

  13. Sandy,
    I recall playing the same game as a child and my thoughts at an early age were so very different than they are these days.

    I would like to have the ability to be all I can be in all respects.

    Even with the hardships that are thrown to humans...I do believe I would prefer to come back in that form.

    I like your take on this prompt and I will look at grapes with different eyes.

  14. Lovely. I suspect you never waste your time with sour grapes.. or a w(h)ine.

  15. nice..u've attempted the take in such a different n b'ful way..liked it..!!!

  16. I'm not playing this week, but I really enjoyed this.

  17. Until now I never would have thought of coming back as a grape, or any other piece of fruit either, but now that you've brought it to my attention the possibilities are endless, and isn't that what this is all about, endlessness? Really great poem!

  18. Hi Sandy, I can follow you very easily through your reasoning and supposing. Big word, that 'if.'
    You're so creative here, of course the grape is the only fruit that would suit your purposes. Appricots (no)?
    I wouldn't go back either. If I did it would do things differently.

  19. So sensual, and yet so literary. You have indeed "bathed every veyne in swich licour,
    Of which vertu engendred is the flour..."

    This, of course, surprises me not m'lady. You often have that effect on me.

    (Incidentally, just in case you were wondering, in my next life I want to be my dog. Just sayin'.)

  20. And a sweet dream this! I love the wine coursing through your veins.

  21. I love this. You have such a great way with words. Now I want a grape...or maybe just the wine. : )

  22. I will take these images with me today...that of a grape waiting to be plucked. Thank you for such a wonderful poem.

  23. This left me deep and profound. Loved it!!

  24. Sandy, this poem is so ripe with all of your best....

  25. When i visited Dong's website it is all about nature then when i click in your site to what inside what i see are mostly modern. That show me how big different is Phils to other Eastern Countries.

  26. You have such a way with words. a grape? Of all things to come back as, a grape? lol

  27. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I was thinking it would be nice to come back as a tree until I read Quietpath's poem.

    Grapes are nice, too.

  28. An absolutely beautiful love song.

  29. Gosh, what a beautiful poem. Your words and images are so rich and full. Not unlike a ripe grape.
    This is a sensual. I wonder who the grape is meant for. Lovely.

    love, Melanie

  30. ah to be a grape ready for the press. sensual and mystical. reminiscent of Rumi.

  31. beautiful Sandy- just beautiful. I love the feeling it invokes~


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