Embrace: 'We Cannot Account for It All'

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The heart of man can be full of so much pain, even when things are exteriorly 'all right.' It becomes all the more difficult because today we are used to thinking that there are explanations for everything. But there is no explanation for most of what goes on in our own hearts, and we cannot account for it all. No use resorting to the kind of mental tranquilizers that even religious explanations sometimes offer. Faith must be deeper than that, rooted in the unknown and in the abyss of darkness that is the ground of our being. (Thomas Merton)

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  1. My first thought was how synchronistic it was that this passage should sit directly across from Suzanne's photo. My second thought was "Dharm aur vishwas do bahut alag bat hain| Aur ek dusre zaroor nahin|" ("Religion and faith are two very different matters. And one does not require the other.")

  2. It's so true, Sandy: only the faith can save the troubled heart of man from the catastrophic abyss.

  3. Great words. Philosophically, the whole point of faith is unreason. To have faith, you have to take the leap.

  4. Beautiful contrasts between the dark wood of the trees and the white snow!

  5. I think it is important that religion is something you are able to believe in without going directly against your reason, otherwise it only causes hurt... and everyone is better off without it!

  6. sometimes we don't ever understand in this life why things happen but years later we can see the growth it caused in us. it's called faith to press forward not knowing but there is comfort and guidance each step along the way as we trust our creator-He is in charge but men and women do have their free agency. intereesting quote and striking photo.

  7. I did a high school retreat in Kentucky back in the late 60's. I happened to see Merton there. The image is still vivid today. It in no small way began my search.

  8. So true Sandy and what a beautiful photo to accompany these profound words. Thank you.

    PS: I am down for the count LOL, with a case of the flu. I will be posting earlier for OSI than usual as I need to get some rest today and into this evening. Hope you understand.

  9. Faith..Absolute faith works wonders, i feel

    Nice post, Sandy :)


  10. I gave up on understanding the whys and wherefores of life and have gravited to acceptance and moving on. I find that if you keep truding along even the bumpiest of paths, when you raise your eyes, there are beautiful vistas to be seen and savored.

    You seek, find and savor beauty, Sandy. It's an inate part of who you are. I'm ever so grateful for you! Your life inspires me.

  11. Hi! Life is full of contrast like dark wood and snow. I believe only faith could make us see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is always sunshine after snow.

  12. I think I'll from now on will add you to my fav bloggers?


    Beacause of this post above.

    I totally agree with you: It's too easy to look at the Unexplainable, Unexpected and unwanted etc and then refer to God's Will.

    And follow the Religious Leaders, those in Power. A Class of people that through history have not been merited for Peace and Love and Respect.

    Have a great 2009 and during the year: Sense the best of each day;))

  13. What I love about the photo as it pertains to the quote: the calm serenity of the snow smooths out the awkward angles of the felled trees. Cold, frozen, harsh elements - but they bring beauty and balance to something uprooted.

  14. to make the leap of faith is like falling in love! You have to trust and do it!

  15. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I could not agree with Merton more. Very powerful words and so, so true!

  16. I love Merton.
    John of the Cross is the "Dark night of the soul" expert.......thanks for your fearless honesty. aloha-


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