Thursday Thirteen 40: Revolutionary Ideas

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When I've been asked in passing what I'll be doing for the Fourth of July, I have answered that I don't know. That's not true, though. I know exactly what I'll be doing:

1. I'll be reflecting on the sheer audacity of the extraordinary ordinary folks who cooked up the idea of independence.

2. This revolutionary idea represented a complete turning over, around, and inside out of power at every level and in every facet of life--education, commerce, government, religion.

3. The authors of our independence dared to invoke the Creator, ascribing to this being credit for endowing each of us equally with the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness....

4. Each of us is therefore blessed with the right and responsibility to work hard to live well.

5. The very idea of human rights emerged from the scrawl of a learned man drew his wisdom from his peers and from the ancients.

6. One argumentative essay written to perfection left a king with no place to hide.
7. Reason and a good dose of self-respect shook loose the fetters of a distant king.

8. My ancestors fought in that war. They were very, very young, but they

9. Fought for a just cause

10. That would ultimately benefit every member of the new nation.
11. The conversation begun in 1776 continues today.
12. We participate in it when we vote and otherwise engage and hold accountable our elected officials.
13. And I will say Amen: the Fourth of July is about the power of the imagination to make all things new again and again and again.

More at Thursday Thirteen

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  1. 11 12 and 13 are super fabulous.

    My thirteen is posted now, just behind you, and a bit of the same idea, tho different.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Excellent post. It's so true that we are still fighting for it, too.

    Happy fourth of july! And a very happy TT :)

  3. Powerful stuff Sandy. I have my own independence day for the 4th as you know... :0)

  4. It is the only religious holiday that I celebrate. This peace of paper I refer to as american scripture, the last lines of which I wish people understood more. Our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor, was not metaphor. 'twas beautiful, but it was as real as next Tuesday. What was done then had never been done before in human endeavor. It was imperfect and flawed, it completely missed several classes of people, and yet it is us. It is part of our history, and it is the most noble political document ever written.

  5. Nicely done Sandy...I'm reading about Ben Franklin right now as we are planning a trip to Philadelphia.

  6. I have an award for you at my place...

  7. Powerful post. Happy 4th. Good 13!

  8. Sandy, well written and thought provoking. Happy Independence day!

  9. This is a very good TT. Happy TT

  10. I love your phrase "dared to invoke our Creator" which is why I believe America has been so blessed. It's in GOD we trust, not Buddah, not the Mohammad, not ourselves. I don't mean to be offensive, I'm just stating what I believe.

  11. Amen...great post and oh so true. Happy TT my friend:)

  12. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Happy 4th of July in advance

  13. It is truly amazing what they accomplished, and I think we take it so much for granted. I know I do, even though I recognize the fact, I can't begin to imagine not having the freedoms that I do!

  14. We don't have any plans for this year. Somehow I don't feel like celebrating this year.

  15. I loved this!

    I love everything about the 4th of July! It is so much fun, and to remember what the soldiers have done (and are doing), just makes me ever more grateful!

  16. Splendid and greatly significant post.

  17. I wish you a gorgeous 4th of July, as I won't be online tomorrow. And mostly I wish everybody that those great ideas are not forgotten...

  18. i hope everyone will value this line: "Each of us is therefore blessed with the right and responsibility to work hard to live well."

    nice list sandy!

  19. That was a fascinating post. And so true. My T13 is up now, too.

  20. I like this T13...thanks for sharing.

  21. Just a thought, being a Brit. The fundamentals that led to Independence had already been worked out by English philosophers such as Locke, already hammering at the doors of the power that was rejected.
    I wonder what the world would have been like if the the proponents of this process had gone to the centre of that power and argued it out in England?

  22. Such a wonderful post. What a great way to pay tribute to our amazing country. Happy 4th of July to you! I've added you to my blog list. I really enjoy reading your blog. Happy TT.

  23. Anonymous6:54 AM

    What a timely post. And a beautiful one at that. I love # 4 and 5 and somehow I want to make #12 into a big banner!

  24. The more I listen to international news on NPR, the more I realize how revolutionary our democracy (however screwed up) is.

  25. We must never forget why. Pappy

  26. Well done! When people complain about our government, I ask them to name one country that does it better. I have yet to hear an answer.

    Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. Happy TT, and God bless.

  27. Thanks for the reminder.

    Happy T13.

  28. Sandy, as previously indicated, "Louis" will continue to be up past his cowbell in a work project for the next several weeks, so he may stop by and take a look but not sign the 'guest registry'.

    "Louis" thanks you for your visits to San Francisco Bay Daily Photo!

  29. AMEN to you too well thought out feelings-- I thank you for that ---now on a different level I always love reading your comments on thers sites --You seem different this week is all ok?

  30. What a fabulous Thursday Thirteen. My favorite thought from your list is number 4 - too many people, today, expect things to be done for them or for the government to provide for all of their needs, wants and whims. But that completely gets away from the ideals of our Founding Fathers, to work hard in order to reap the benefits we seek. Thanks for sharing these thoughts!

    Come visit for my Thirteen "Favorites" For the Fourth of July!

  31. Excellent, Sandy!

    Wishing you a happy 4th! :-)

  32. Thanks Sandy for the supportive and sweet comments on my post Why write a hateful blog. It's great to know that there are people out there that share my opinion.

  33. Sandy - as he previously indicated to you, "Louis" won't be commenting often for the next few weeks. He'll make an exception here and encourage you to check this out in relation to his Maui post, if you haven't done so already.

  34. Wow! Sandy, a beautiful essay on our Independence and Freedom! Thank heavens for those men! Happy 4th of July! I'll be in Boston for the weekend but a couple of posts will go up automatically, I hope!

  35. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Excellent Fourth of July TT!

  36. A great reminder of the true "reason for the season." It's Christmas in July for Americans, no?

    Great list, and thanks for stopping by my TT!

  37. Beautifully written, and something for all of us to think about this weekend!

    Thanks for stopping by my list!

  38. Excellent post and photo. Very good blog today.

  39. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I see posts like this and I know how much I like you Sandy. Yes. I love particularly the part about the conversation is still on going. This is a mad experiment - absolutely crazy - and the conversation continues....

    Have a great holiday.

  40. Well said. Those Revolutionary War heroes are worth our taking time to remember them and their sacrifices.

    Thanks for visiting my TT!

  41. Excellent post.

    You know what they say - democracy is the worst form of government there is - except for all the others.

  42. As I love saying, as a Loyal Subject of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and from a family loyal to the crown and the mother country...

    Happy Birthday you rebellious republican upstarts you! :)

    Oh, and don't kid yourself, I love America... even if I am still under the tyrannical yoke of the oppressive royals! :)

  43. Here's to freedom... True freedom that respects all human beings... Happy Independence Day, Sandy!

  44. A Great post for a Great date.
    Have a nice 4th of Huly, in 10 days, it'll be our turn.

  45. Anonymous5:34 PM

    And here I was just thinking about photographing some fireworks on the beach.

    Thanks for the perspective. :)

    Happy 4th!

  46. Happy Fourth of July! Congrats on a fabulous list.
    Thanks for visiting my TT about Belgium.

  47. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Nice. Happy 4th of July!

  48. Hmmm. That post got me thinking. I'm so fortunate to live in America. I didn't realize that I do have a responsibility to work hard to live well - to appreciate living here.

  49. Wow, I've never heard it put quite like that! Wonderful. God bless America.

  50. Excellent is all that I can say.

    Happy TT!
    Visit mine @

  51. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Just perfect!

  52. Beautifully written. Happy late TT.

  53. Anonymous9:49 PM

    It's quite powerful stuff...I can never hep thinking about John Adams talking of how he hoped people would celebrate the day...with cannon and fireworks...


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